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Canon PIXMA MX870 - Scanner not working after Mac OS High Sierra Update


Hello, I'm hoping someone can assist.


I recently upgratded the OS on my iMac to mac OS High Sierra Version 10.13.1.  I've noticed the scanner function on my MX870 (connected via wireless) will not operate.  When I click on Scan/Import photos or documents in the Canon Solutions Menu, I see the scanner icon bouncing in the tool bar at the bottom, then it disappears and I get the folowing error message:


MP Navigator EX quit unexpectedly.

Click Reopen to open the application again. Click Report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple.



I'm not sure if this helps, but this is the first section of the report the system sends to Apple when the issue is encountered:

Process: MP Navigator EX 3.1 [3067]
Path: /Applications/Canon Utilities/MP Navigator EX Navigator EX 3.1
Version: Version 3.1.0 (3.1.0)
Build Info: MP Navigator EX 3.1-1~1
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: ??? [1]
Responsible: MP Navigator EX 3.1 [3067]
User ID: 501

Date/Time: 2017-11-15 07:39:45.325 -0800
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.1 (17B48)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: A53C885F-95A1-3111-2313-9C7D531A0D71


What I've tried so far:

- Serached the Canon website for updated drivers or firmware but it says everything is up to date

- Powered the unit off/on

- Unplugged the unti for a minute, plugged it back in




Can you explain this pls ? for MX870 to work properly under macOS High Sierra, you just removed the old MP Navigator Ex (3.1) from your system and reinstalled the same version and it worked perfectly well ? Are you able to scan with the document from your backbookpro ?


I am using MBP running HighSierra 10.13.3 and after updating to Sierra, the MP Navigatore Ex (3.1) does not scan the document since it requires a scanning driver. I am unable to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks





I face the same issue. Spent a lot of time in trying to solve the problem, but you can't without the driver from Canon and it looks like that Canon Inc is not interested in supporting the customers.


I managed to use my iphone loaded with Canon App and using wifi connected to Pixma MX870 and scanned several documents and emailed them to my id. Only issue is that I have very limited options (color/gray scale and page size). I can't really edit the document. However this took a lot of time and I was able to solve my issue on hand since I had over 100 documents to be scanned to be sent to someone. Canon iPhone App allows you either to store the dorument in image format or in pdf. So I guess you can further edit to make it look good. But you loose a lot of time.


It's better canon relases a new version of MP Navigator to support MX870 for macOS High Sierra. 



The only way I have been ableto use my scanner after the upgrade to High Sierra is as follows:

Got to System Preferences, select Printers & Scanners, when menu pops up choose scanner. You will then see the image you have in the MX870 being scanned. You then have to select what you want scanned, and after save it to your desktop or wherever you want it. A little cumbersome, but it sure beats having to buy another printer/scanner!

Hi: Thanks for writing back to me. Appreciate it.


Better than that process, please do try using the Canon App on your mobile, which can scan a document and save it as JPG or pdf file and you can further email to any mail id. All you need is that both your iphone and the printer has to be connected to the same wifi network. This is much better than the very basic scan that you have tried.


Canon can't keep quite in not releasing the driver for the printer to support MacOS high sierra. I am sure there are many thousands of users across the world and one can't simply throw the machine due to this non availability of the driver to support the latest OS release. 




hi, could you please tell me how to do this? I've spent most of today trying to fix my scanner and it's driving me bonkers. i stupidly upgraded my mac software last night...grrrr....

It's very simple and here's the process:


1. Canon PIXMA MX870 should be connected to your HiFi network

2. Also ensure your iPhone is also connected to the same network

3. Search for "CANON PRINT' app on the App Store, download and install it on your iPhone

4. Once you initiate the App, it would recognise your printer. Just pace a document and scan.

5. Ofcourse you can change the settings on your App to scann it in color or in greayscale

6. After scanning you can either save or email as pdf or jpg document


If you are using Anrod phone, I suppose the same process works for Anroid as long as the "Canon Print" app is available on the Google Store.


Hope this helps. Let me know. Regards: Badri


Thanks j_leslie for this solution; I got my Canon PIXMA MX870 printer working again!!!





How you made it possible ? Did you get the new driver update for High Sierra ? or you used the process that I had explained ? If you have the link to the new driver update, please do share with me.


thanks. Badri



I am struggling to find a way to make the scanner work with my Mac OS running High Sierra (10.13.4). 


You mentioned you reinstalled MP Navigator EX for 10.11. After this your scanner is working perfectly well for High Sierra (10.13.4) ? If so, pls guide me where to find MP Navigator EX for 10.11 from Canaon support site ? What version of scanner driver you downloaded ? Pls provide me where to get that version so that I can install and try to make the scanner work. 


Hope to hear.




I called Canon USA support center (1 (800) 652-2666).  The tech support person who answered was not helpful at all. She was eating something and kept saying that "You have an OLD printer and often time it is not comatible with a very new techology."   We know that, but stating so doesn't help at all. Also, she kept telling me that "She doesn't know mach about it."  I ended up asking how to download older version of MP Navigator, which I had already uninstalled.  She relactantly showed me how. 


Canon USA product page:


Make sure to chose operation system 10.11 or older version. (If you don't change the operating system, the site automatically ditects High Sierra and you won't see the older version of MP Navigator)


Download MP Navigator EX Ver. 3.1.5 (OS X) under the software.  


This version was released less than 10 months ago. 09/10/17.   Canon's tech support person kept saying MX870 is too old is really not commended attitude. It was really disappointing, but older version of MP Navigator should help. 

