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Cannon MX922 borderless printing works fine win printing directly from a program However...


Cannon MX922 borderless printing works fine win printing directly from a program However, after creating a jpg file i.e. 5x7 and printing directly through just right clicking on the file, the printed image is larger and prints off the page!  How do I fix this?   I create a lot of artwork that I need to print by simply right clicking on the file and printing.  I need the printer settings which are set up according to cannon instructions to override anything that is causing the problem.  How do I do this?


Thank you in advance for consideration!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi allcreations99,


It is recommended that you contact live technical support . There is NO charge for this call. Real time feedback of a live technical support call would be very beneficial in this case.

Please dial 1-866-261-9362, Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. ET (excluding holidays). A Canon technical support representative will be able to resolve this issue faster.
