Can you print from anywhere to a MX922 printer?


For example, when I am not at home, is there a way to print to my printer?



Hi bobham1977,


You can print when you are not from home by using Google Cloud Print.  Please click HERE for  the instructions. Once the printer is registered with the service, you should be able to add the printer to your Chrome browser. The article has instructions that will help you print.


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What i was specifically trying to do was print from my iphone when away from home.  Your solution requires Chrome on a computer.  Is there another option that allows printing from an iphone while away?


Hi bobham1977,


Currently the only options to print when you are not near the printer is to print with Google Cloud Print.


There may be a third party app for iPhone that allows cloud printing but please note that there could be some limitations which are unknown to Canon. 


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