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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

Mg5250 just over 2 years old got u 502 error last nite 😠

Hallo everyone. 


While anything I guess is possible I really don't think this is caused by an unknown software/firmware update. Let me expalin why . For me it was working fine and had been for 20 months and then 20 seconds later it was not working. I don't see how there can have been a firmware update during that time without any beep or pause or reset or anything. 


And secondly this issue has been discussed in the forum for many months - as i now know - pre dating my purchase of the machine, I'm fairly sure that my everything was up-to-date at the time. 


One possible cause I think is that the inkjet cleaning pads become dirty with dryed ink after a time in use and this is reported to the system as incorrect print-head set up.


I did see a U-Tube on how to fix this by finding the cleaning pads and washing them. However my cleaning pads are certainly not as easilly accessible as those in the video. Any how for me my time is worth more than the cost of spending a couple of hours on trying to find remove clean and replace them and a new non-Canon replacement is the only economic solution. 


I now have a brand new HP laserjet, which hopefully won't have the same or similar issue.  

This makes sense to me too.  My MP600 went from working to non-working in an instant.  I'd had it for several years and it seems like it would have updated and had the problem earlier if it were due to the firmware.     I think it's an unintentional glitch in the original software and how it responds to the ink pads getting full.   Canon should still be doing something to stand behind their name.    


I was looking at buying a Canon Camera on sale before Christmas but there were reports of some folks having a problem and now that I've experienced Canon's customer non-service, I passed on the camera...


Add me to the list of disgruntled victims of the U052 Error Message.  My Pixma MX892 is about 2 years old, and has received only light use during that time.  Any solutions (other than a heave from a cliff) would be welcome.

If you all will read all the previous posts, the "ink pad solution" has been discussed and ended up not being a solution. Most of everyones printer that has posted on here has died in the process of printing.

Hi, i ve washed the ,,cleaning pads" . The problem not solved.I put another head on my pixma mp610 i make 1 copy then suddenly error U052.No pins broken no oxide on contacts working.No cloged printhead. Its a software problem i think.Why the scanner not function at all? I want to save some document but i can t do it. Why i need the printhead for scanning??I think an update its necesary to fix most of problem.But this firmware/update don t come never. they want to buy a new one or a new printhead maybe with a cost a new printer .The answer from Canon for this error....a bad joke.They cheating on us.Sad but true.


Mg5220 owner here. I had mine for over 4 years, but I rarely printed anything. Maybe a total of 100 photos and 3-400 pieces of paper. 

I got the U052 error and tried cleaning out the mats as was posted in the "John's Lab' Youtube video to no avail.


I guess I am scrapping this thing, but I just wanted to say that this is a real shame. I am in the market for a new DSLR and lenses and after this, I think I'll have to pass on the canon systems. It is really a shame that Canon is willing to make lifelong enemies out of their customer base with this terrible policy of planned obsolescence.


I saw the Youtube video about washing the pads and followed it exactly and it was a waste of time. Has everybody joined the class action lawsuit?


New printer with limited printing needs and this "dreaded U052 wrong printhead error" has happened to me too. I have followed the youtube clips and instructions on cleaning the old ink. To no avail. What is my next step because I don't have the resources to go and purchase a new printer. Thanks for your help.

If it's new, is it not still under guarantee?
