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Call to Arms for the dreaded U052 Wrong Printhead Error


This is a "call to arms" for all of you Canon customers who have had this problem and have had their printers disabled because of it.  Please respond with the model of your printer and if you were able to fix it, what you did to fix it. 


We need to put pressure on Canon to respond this product defect.  It appears to be bad firmware that does not allow the user to override the problem and to continue to use the printer even in a degraded mode.  From my investigations the problem is NOT a printhead issue - no way one can be printing fine and then have this error alert without having changed the printhead or ink cartridges!


Canon, PLEASE take this issue seriously and provide a solution across the affected models.  If nothing else there should be a trade-in allowance for those printers that have been affected by this product defect.


I have had many Canon printers because they have superior functional specifications. I want to be able to continue using Canon products but only if I can have confidence that this product defect will not destroy my investment.


If Canon is unresponsive our next step should be to aggressively publisize this product defect on social media and on major product vendor outlet sites as negatives reviews.


Forum Users, please reply with your affected model number(s) and with details of any succdessful fix procedure.

1,478 REPLIES 1,478

Can someone from Canon (RAMONA) explain why I have noticed quite a few posts misteriously disappearing and their contributors stopping posting new messages? Is this a glitch? Can it be resolved?

I am still here and very unhappy!

Hmm...if you use certain words they don't like, Canon (and most forum hosts) have a program that seeks out those words/terms and deletes the email. Words like l*a*w*S*u^i^t are among those. I've had it happen to me,a nd I should know better as I helped my company determine which words to monitor on a forum.

well, you can add me to the list of very unhappy canon ex customer with the UO52 error on my mp610 ...

I don't for a second believe it is a coincidence that all of a sudden, there's heaps of folks everywhere with the same error code coming up pretty much at the same time.. That smells of built in error by design miles away. Too many, within too much of the same printer life span for it to be a pure fluke.

Sure, ink can clog up print heads, there are plenty of things that could go wrong for a lot of customers. But if we pretend that this had been a car and all of a sudden, all fuel injections failed between 3000 and 3200 milage on all card in x range of cars from a manufacturer and they pretend it is not A, a design flaw that they should wear or B a planned fault by design ... IE< life span of a printer should be no more than 4 years of use... so we make sure of it...

Very bad form of Canon indeed... Very unhappy and will spread how unhappy I am every chance I get.....

I am inclined to carry this printer into canon's office, first one I find and smash it on their floor.. If they want to be part of making more waste, I say let them sort it out a bit as well... Or : don't just collect money for bad product that increase waste... now you have to pay someone's salary to clean part of it up (even if it is just in their office and it still ends up as waste, I feel slightly happier knowing that I've reduced the profit margin on That machine at least...

Wow, print heads are 'consumables'!? Has anyone here ever replaced a print head on a previous generation or make of printer? Do other manufacturers classify print heads as consumables? I never have.

Print heads as consumables would be OK with me if that solved the problem,but it doesn't. The problem is programmed in the electronic wizardry in the printhead carrier [this is unaccessable]. If Canon has gone down this path of creating obsolescence at a pre-determined time then don't think other  manufacturers of consumers goods are not in the game. Why are the ink cartridges continually changed in shape yet carry the same ink as previous models? An increase in wastage is all profits to someone. If I had 2 Canon printers and one died, I would tranfer the ink from the dead cartridges to the living ones. When my 'free' HP multifunction dies, I will buy a standalone scanner that does all the fancy work that I need, and use a printer that I expect to die within 2 years.....perhaps use the Canon case as my bargaining point or buy a 5 year guarantee.....or have it fall off the desk and claim on house insurance!! The world we live in requires us to produce goods that are shoddy and have a short life so that the 7 billion people on this earth can get a job, however meaningless, manufacturing more.Unfortunately this chews up the finite material resources on the earth, plus power, to make them. This Canon problem, when exposesed, will point to a bigger problem of too many people, too few jobs, too few paying investments etc etc.

Because greedy ppl destroyed their own system being too greedy. There is no limit to a single one greed. Trouble is we are sinking with the boat, and it is ALREADY sinking, and for years and years.


“The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for anyone's greed.”

Mahatma Gandhi


PS : "Working job" is a dead concept since the 80's, when stock exchange market won over investments and salaries.

And most of us are paying this error everyday since. Everything else are just excuses to maintain this system.


Canon was hit with a Class Action Lawsuit stemming from this Error that applied to at least 35 of their Printer Models.


They made a settlement and created a special website which explains the settlement and indicates the applicable Models. There is also a link to a claim form.


Here's the link to the website:


I just sent my claim in.




It sounds like a limited success.  I say limited because Canon refuse to admit any liability, and the amount of compensation doesn't come near to covering all the "new print heads" people have bought that didn't cure the fault.  The whole situation still stinks and has lost Canon hundreds, maybe thousands of customers.

Always hate to see corporate ripoffs by companies we used to trust.