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“When will the Canon Webcam Utility support my camera?”


When will the Webcam Utility support your camera?  I don't know.  Canon released a list of officially supported cameras,which omitted many cameras for no obvioious reason.  Here is my wild guess as to why they did that.


I have no idea why Canon officially supported cameras, but not others.  I do know that the Webcam Utility [was] intended for use as a video conferencing camera, not as a Live Stream broadcasting and recording platform.


But I have noticed a developing pattern regarding which features that the supported cameras have, compared to which features unsupported cameras have that will seem to work, and which features unsupported cameras lack that do not seem to work.


it all seems to boil down to whether or not your camera supports Live View remote shooting.  I used to think that it boiled to cameras that used EOS Utility 3 would work, while cameras that used EOS Utility 2 would not work.  However, that no longer seems to be the case.  Users should install EOS Utility 3 for any DSLR, which will automatically install EOS Utlity 2.  


I have [two] cameras that use EOS Utility 2.  My umpteen year old 1D Mark IV works with the Webcam Utility, while my 1Ds Mark III does not.  The defining line seems to be whether or not your camera supports Live View Remote Shooting.  The 1D4 supports Live View shooting, while the 1Ds3 does not.


But, this remote shooting capability must be achieved via USB, not via wireless communications with a smart app.  If your camera is not officially supported, but does support Live View remote control, I think the odds are very high that you will have a very happy accident and will discover that your camera will work with the Webcam Utiluty.


If your camera does not support Live View remote shooting, like my M3, then your camera lacks the hardware and firmware to work with the Webcam Utility.  I was disappointed that my M3 would not work.  


But I am happy to see many unofficially supported cameras will work, like my 1D Mark IV.  Paired with an extra Rokinon 14mm lens, it has become my "goto" video conferencing setup on a Benro compact carbon fiber travel tripod.  I do not need Movie Servo AF.  I can focus the lens at its' hyperfocal distance, and everything beyond 3 feet are in razor sharp focus.  

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