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Need Software to Intelligently Transfer Photos to a Win 8.1 PC


Hi, I'm a newbie here and pleased to have found the Board.


I have several digital Canon cameras and have successfully moved images from the cameras to WinXP and 7 PC systems via USB without issue. The transfer software would allow one to: 1) designate the storage location on the PC, 2) give the images a name, 3) delete the camera image when complete. Perhaps there were other options available.


Windows 8.1 has a built-in app named Camera and Canon has a suite of programs in CameraWindowDC. Both give the same final result when the camera is attached to the PC. The Windows 8.1 PRO system recognizes the camera model and transferres the images. There are no options for destination folder, name, or delete offered. Images are stored by date group in the Win Pictures system folder.


Any suggestions about locating the software that previously handled the downloading? I'm ignorant about it. Was it Microsoft or Canon. If Canon, perhaps it is on the disks that came with the cameras. Name?


Thanks in advance for any thoughts.






Accepted Solutions

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Bill,


You may set the destination folder when you connect your camera to your computer.  When the CameraWindow opens, click on the gear icon at the top left-hand side of the Window.  On the next page, click on the "Import" tab, then choose "Folder Settings" to select the destination folder.


For information regarding the location of Canon software, please let us know which Canon camera you have.

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Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Bill,


You may set the destination folder when you connect your camera to your computer.  When the CameraWindow opens, click on the gear icon at the top left-hand side of the Window.  On the next page, click on the "Import" tab, then choose "Folder Settings" to select the destination folder.


For information regarding the location of Canon software, please let us know which Canon camera you have.

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@bill77056 wrote:

Hi, I'm a newbie here and pleased to have found the Board.


I have several digital Canon cameras and have successfully moved images from the cameras to WinXP and 7 PC systems via USB without issue. The transfer software would allow one to: 1) designate the storage location on the PC, 2) give the images a name, 3) delete the camera image when complete. Perhaps there were other options available.


Windows 8.1 has a built-in app named Camera and Canon has a suite of programs in CameraWindowDC. Both give the same final result when the camera is attached to the PC. The Windows 8.1 PRO system recognizes the camera model and transferres the images. There are no options for destination folder, name, or delete offered. Images are stored by date group in the Win Pictures system folder.


Any suggestions about locating the software that previously handled the downloading? I'm ignorant about it. Was it Microsoft or Canon. If Canon, perhaps it is on the disks that came with the cameras. Name?


Thanks in advance for any thoughts.




Well, you admitted you're a newbie, so now you're gonna hear what we say to all newbies:  Smiley Wink


USE A CARD READER! Card readers are inexpensive, easy to use, and extremely reliable. They don't care what version of the operating system you're using or whether they're connected to a Windows computer or a Mac. They don't run down your camera's battery or tie up your camera while you're using them. Yes, there is software to download image files directly to your computer, and it works pretty well, especially over a wired (USB) connection. And if you really know what you're doing, and have a wi-fi equipped camera, you can often get it to upload your files via wi-fi. (But unless you're a professional newspaper photographer on deadline, it probably isn't worth the trouble.)


If you hang around this forum for a while, you'll soon discover that a large percentage of the questions and complaints that come our way are about this very topic: uploading files to a computer.The software that does it is often specific to an OS version and incompletely documented, and users are easily confused. Fortunately, the forum has some experienced users that have been through most of the problems that arise and can help you sort it out. But even they'll usually tell you that unless you're a glutton for punishment, a card reader is the way to go.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Hi Richard and Bob,


I really appreciate both of your responses.


Richard: Current cameras are eos rebel, G12 and elph 500. I missed the "gear" thanks for pointing it out. And yes one can set destination folder and it sticks! The camera image delete procedure is cumbersome - buts works - Shift-Click LAST thumbnail to get all. And a way to name a group of images could not be found. Using CWDC v8.10.4.24 and windows 8.1 PRO.


Bob: The card reader may be the best route for most - no argument. To use the card reader one must 1) remove the card from the camera and 2) bend down to the desktop PC (which is a Floortop) and find the proper card reader port. I find it more efficient to connect the camera to the USB port on the keyboard. I can accept the irritations of the d/l software. Obviously I just dabble with photography.


Again thanks to both. This is a great board for Canon cameras.




FWIW, Win 8.1 PRO has the efficient photo download procedure similar to Win XP and 7. Took a while to find it. The default action for removable media must be defined.


First enter Control Panel, search for "default," select AutoPlay. In the dropdown box for PHOTOS and VIDEOS set your desired action. I chose Download Photos and Videos.


Attach the camera to USB port. Under Devices will see Canon Camera. Right Click it and select download. Will have an opportunity to define download folders for each type media and can set the system to delete photos on the camera on exit. These selections will stick from one download to another but can be changed if desired. Lastly before download will have boxes to insert name for the picture group and to add desired tags if desired.


This is a quick procedure for downloading a group of photos to a PC work folder with minimal processing (name and tags).


Probably will work for d/l from SD card since the card is "removable media."
