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EOS Utility not working with Windows 10


Hi all, 

  I just upgraded to Windows 10, and immediatly ran into the problem that is described in this thread about Windows 8:


After reading that thread I decided to unplug the other USB devices I had in the computer at the time (Garmin Watch, USB key, smart phone) and turn off the camera.  I then turned on the camera and ran the EOS utility and it found my camera and worked correctly.


Clearly this problem is still not resolved, but that simple work-around gets me downloading my pictures again.  There are a lot of other things people tried in the above thread, but I just unplugged the USB devices and was good to go.

200 REPLIES 200


Look into Windows Firewall settings and check, if Canon EOS UPNP Detector is allowed in the list. If not, add it.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\EOS Utility\EOSUPNPSV.exe

Then I set compatibily mode for EOS Utility 3 for Windows 8.
Now it works, at least for USB connection.

It worked in all of my Windows 10 computers, some of them for unknown reason does not even ask for firewall modification on the first utility start.

(settings via WiFi AP would be my next challenge - direct connections work without troubles)

Hi Canon (Stephen),


Thanks for the response directing me to Canon Support UK.


However I'm giving up on this, and think I've answered my own question.  I believe connecting my PC to my camera via WiFi simply isn't possible, nor a feature that Canon offer or support.  Furthermore, nobody in this community has been able to provide any positive response over the past few months.


Connecting via USB is fine and perhaps the best way anyway due to the large nature of the files. 

I'm satisfied with this.

However I'm a little disappointed that the Canon instructions and marketing do not make it clear enough that this feature is not available.



@James1138 wrote:

Hi Canon (Stephen),


Thanks for the response directing me to Canon Support UK.


However I'm giving up on this, and think I've answered my own question.  I believe connecting my PC to my camera via WiFi simply isn't possible, nor a feature that Canon offer or support.  Furthermore, nobody in this community has been able to provide any positive response over the past few months.


Connecting via USB is fine and perhaps the best way anyway due to the large nature of the files. 

I'm satisfied with this.

However I'm a little disappointed that the Canon instructions and marketing do not make it clear enough that this feature is not available.


You didn't answer the question I asked you on December 19. Before you give up, go back and read it again. Most WiFi-equipped computers are configured as clients by default. But the other devices with which you say the camera can communicate require you to go through an access point, which suggests that the camera is also configured as a client. Two clients can't talk to each other, except via an access point. If you don't understand what I'm saying, go find someone who does.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Mate, I know you're trying to help, and what you've written is accurate, although it's no help whatsoever.

Whilst I haven't a scooby about photography, I'm a computer engineer that's worked in PC, Desktop Support, Server support etc for years, and it simply isn't possible.  

@James1138 wrote:

Mate, I know you're trying to help, and what you've written is accurate, although it's no help whatsoever.

Whilst I haven't a scooby about photography, I'm a computer engineer that's worked in PC, Desktop Support, Server support etc for years, and it simply isn't possible.  

I am not sure if the M5(?) is capable of operating as a Wi-Fi access point, to which your Windows 10 PC would connect.  It could, I just reallly do not know.  My M3 can connect to a smart device, like a smart phone or table.  I have never tried to connect to a PC, just an iPad.


With the camer in access point mode, the PC would connect to the camera, instead of making its’ regular connection to you, let’s say, your home LAN, for example.  I put the M3 into access point mode by enabling the password in the menu.  It then displays a access point name, and a password to be used for connecting.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hi, I made the connection working through WiFi AP. Based on the signal strenght, it could be terribly slow - almost useless.
The EOS Pairing Software table was empty, until I allowed Default Forwarding on the wireless AP on my Mikrotik RouterOS.
So if you do not see the network in the camera, and you can normally connect via USB to EOS Utility, it could be also in settings in the access point.




Canon EOS no longer auto dectecting?

It's not your cable or your camera. (I personally shoot a canon t4i)

This frustrated me a ton!!!!




The problem is the version of Windows 10 you have.  If you have version N, everytime Windows updates, you will find your camera (and many other usb devices like smartphones) are no longer detected.


This is a total pain in the arse, but every time Windows 10 does an update you need to download the media feature pack.


Here is the link:


I registered specifically for those who are having the same issue and spent hours sifting through the internet for a solution.

I hope this helps save some hair pulling.


My EOS utility stoped working not long after the 29th of dcember 2017which was when I was doing my last colab vid with a friend for youtube. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it but it dosn't work at all. Does any one know how I could solve this issue? The camera I use is a Canon EOS 1300D.

EOS utility 2 just says camera unreconisable when the sofeware is surposed to surport it.


@Jcyber15 wrote:

EOS utility 2 just says camera unreconisable when the sofeware is surposed to surport it.

Try reinstalling the latest version from the Canon website. Then right-click to get to Properties. On the Compatibility  Tab, set compatibility to be Windows 8. Make sure that you are setting properties on the program at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\EOS Utility\EOS Utility.exe", not on EOS Utility 2, which is in a different folder. The main EOS Utility is supposed to check what camera is connected, then call EOS Utility 2 with the correct parameters for that camera.

