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EOS Utility 3 only works once after reboot


his is Ventura. Latest MAC OS, camera firmware, EOS Utility software.

Others have described this issue. Frustratingly in the forum it has been marked as “solved” when it definitely is not.

Camera connects just fine to Capture One

Also annoyingly, this software causes Mac OS to give a “Background items added” warning. No other software I'm running does this.

Overall just feeling this software is very wonky. It's not up to the very high standards that Canon has for their actual cameras.

Posting here because I hope someone at Canon will notice. Thanks guys!


Not applicable

If you are closing the EOS Utility in the taskbar, then you must restart the Utility before you can connect to the camera. A reboot will automatically restart the EOS Utility and will be waiting for the camera to connect. I don't have a MAC computer, but that is how it works in a Windows computer.

Thanks for the thought! This error is consistent no matter whether the taskbar is closed or open though, so unfortunately that's not the solve. Appreciate the feedback though!
