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EOS Utility 3 and macOS Mojave


Hi had a look through the forum and cannot see anything that might help so have to ask for assistance.

Just purchased a 5D Mk4 and loaded the latest EOS Utility 3, my macbook is running the latest version of macOS Mojave 10.14 but as soon as the camera is connected the EOS Utility crashes. 

Downloaded the latest version of Utlity 3 from the canon website but still crashes.

Seems there is incompatabilty betweet Mojave and Uitility 3. 

Is there a solution to this or is it Canon dragging their heels with a viable software update?


Link doesn’t seem to work.

Hi Rahul, DPP works like a charm.

Hi Mani,

The link does not work. However if i go into the Canon India site, it does not list any EOS utility or DPP for Mojave version 10.14. It only has canon software for version 10.13 which i think is High Sierra. Can you please let me know what version of EOS and DPP you are using so I can download the appropriate one. Sorry for the trouble. Thanks.


People don't have time for plist's. The Canon software should work with the latest software. EOS Utility works with WiFi but not USB. Not good enough. We have workflow to get out to clients and have to resort to putting the CF card in a reader. Canon is not supporting the professional community.

@grahamwood wrote:
People don't have time for plist's. The Canon software should work with the latest software. EOS Utility works with WiFi but not USB. Not good enough. We have workflow to get out to clients and have to resort to putting the CF card in a reader. Canon is not supporting the professional community.

Wrong.  You have got it backwards.  The latest OS software should work with the existing codebase, not break it.  


If you want an OS that consistently works without breaking when the OS is updated, then I suggest MS Windows.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Finally, Canon have updated the software to work with Mojave, and is available for download. Seems to work flawlessly. Thanks Canon.


Hi to everyone! I still cannot open the Utlility 2 to manage my profile styles on my computer. (Ive downloaded the last update already) 


'' Camera is not recognized. '' 
it says.


wtf ???? We are in 2 0 1 9 !!!! How it can be like that???



Did you ever figure it out? I am having the same problem and belive I have tried everything.
