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DPP - Extracting all images with one click from the raw burst image tool.


I want to be able to extract all images with one click from the raw burst image tool.


Interesting. I'm glad the alternative exists. I still want this basic functionality in DPP. I'd prefer not to use DNGs because I want to keep my RAW  originals and exports and I don't really want an additional intermediate. I actually like the fact the LR sidecar files are a thing, though, with edits not saved in the original. Might not be for everyone but yeah I just want to extract all! 🙂

Well, OK, won't compile this myself. No Mac precompiles binaries there. Honestly, this issue should be covered by Canon, because it is more likely I need a bunch of images from a burst mode shoot instead of only one.

Thanks but: won't compile this myself. No Mac precompiles binaries there. Honestly, this issue should be covered by Canon, because it is more likely I need a bunch of images from a burst mode shoot instead of only one.

I have compiled for Ubuntu and got a binary file to run. That file worked on my other Ubuntu computer also. No idea about OS X.

Totally agree.  Even the folks at the local camera retailer agree who do a ton of Canon business.  But not even their Canon rep is responding on this topic, let alone finding better contacts w/in Canon who can actually do something about it.  We're left having spent big $$ on their equipment that can do very nice images but then the ball gets dropped by them for post-processing (either in DPP or in the camera's firmware).  Real shame

It would be no problem to me to compile it myself on Mac. The point is: DPP should offer that functionality and I refuse to do the work the Canon developers should do. It is a matter of principle.

Its been like 2 years I have been not just struggling with using this feature, but also struggling how this ability to extract all is not table stakes?  Who came up this this operationalization as a good work flow?  Is resolving this even on the DPP development map?  If not can Canon at least let Adobe do it?

It's beyond ridiculous, let alone the complete lack of response by Canon to this issue and no ability to contact the right folks w/in Canon more directly about it. 


Here's a method I came up with for batch converting images in Windows. Although it's somewhat cumbersome, it's effective. Begin by launching Digital Professional 4 and initiating the RAW Burst Image Tool. Ensure that the Frame Selector is active and set to frame 1. Next, open PowerShell and enter the code provided below. After pasting the command, it will execute. Click on the top of the batch convert window within 4 seconds to ensure the Frame Selector remains active. The conversion will now start. It takes some time, but you don't need to click on everything. Once the process is complete, you can close PowerShell. You can also change the $maxIterations value to the preferred one. (Maybe you can do something similar using Automator on Mac). (Just discovered that you have to extract the last frame yourself, otherwise all good ).

Powershell code:

# Load the necessary .NET assembly for sending keystrokes
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

# Initial sleep before starting the loop
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 4000

# Define a maximum number of iterations to prevent an infinite loop
$maxIterations = 200 # Update or remove this line as necessary

for ($i = 0; $i -lt $maxIterations; $i++) {
# Sequence of SendKeys commands, each followed by a sleep
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
# Repeat the pattern as needed
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500



In addition to the clumsy extract one image at a time feature, the tool can get into a mode where it won't extract any image at all!  A window pops up exclaiming "! An Error Occurred".  There are no clues what error.  I tried deinstalling and reinstalling the app.  No change.  So the registry must be the problem.  I used an advanced registry editor to remove all instances of "DPP4"  Rebooted and reinstalled DPP4.  Aside from wiping all the apps on the taskbar there was no change.  This makes the Raw Burst Mode tool useless effectively making what should be a really great option on my R7 useless also.  After reviewing the trail of tears concerning this app,  I doubt Canon will fix this problem anytime soon.  Let's not forget the option to extract multiple images at once.  Canon has always been known as an Engineering company, not a Photography company.
