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Vixia HF R62 importing to iMovie

Trying to import AVCHD movies on the internal memory of Vixia HF R62 into iMovie 10.1 on Mac running Yosemite. The camera appears in the list of devices of the import window but none of the clips in the internal memory appear. When I click the "impor...

Legria HV40 camcorder firewire issues

I have a Legria HV40 camcorder, which I used to access satisfactorily through a firewire port on my desktop. In the summer the motherboard of this computer crashed and I have had to rebuild the computer installing a new motherboard, firewire card and...

VIXIA HF M500 : Recording Standard / Resolution

I have a Canon Vixia HF M500 which I have long used to create YouTube videos.  Not long ago I took a two year break and am recently diving back into video production and now trying to tweek my settings a bit to maximize product quality.  I long used ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Canon VIXIA HF G30 - no sound after trasfer to PC

Hello All, New here and just started playing with my new Canon VIXIA HF G30.  I love the camera and the image quality is fantastic, but I am getting no sound when playing the clips from Windows Media Player (Windows 7 Pro).  I can hear the audio when...

G30 No Sound..."What?"

I have a quick question that I hope someone can help with.  I have a G30 that I have been using and enjoying for about 6 months.  Eveything is great BUT for some reason I have no sound with I download my video.  Playback on camera, sound it there, do...

PorkChop by Apprentice
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Vixia HF R600 -- External mic audio issue

When using an external mic with this camera, all the audio is made to be at the same volume.  This occurs whether the mic level is set to automatic or manual.  And, when set to manual, it occurs no matter how low or high I turn it.  Basically, it is ...

Canon Legria HF G10 uneven exposure

 hello.i have been using your camcorder canon HF G10 for some time, i have noticed one big issue which bothers me a lot.When recording at full automatic, the exposure is very uneven, the aperture is closing and opening very quickly and unpredictable....

Canon XA10

Is there someone out there that is well acquainted with Canon XA10 video camera?  I am a new user and have a few questions that I don't understand from readong instruction manual.  Thanks,  mim1

mim1 by Apprentice
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Resolved! Rode NTG -2 with Vixia HV40

I did not want to force sliding the Rode microphone into the camera's accessory shoe - I may be missing the obvious.On my other camcorders I can quickly connect/ mount the microphone to the shoe however on the the HV40 I am having an issue. Do I need...

Ezad by Apprentice
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