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VIXIA HF20 image flickering problem.


I'm having a problem with my Canon HF20 Vixia in that, occasionally when I record I get a strange flickering on the image.  This is a little difficult to explain but I did capture it on video which can be seen here:



It's especially noticible around the Pirate/Skull & Crossbones flag on the painting.  


I've tested this in AutoFocus and Manual Focus and I've played around with the ligting and the flicker still occurs.  I've also played around with the WHite Balnce and that doesn't seem to have any effect.  It's not an SD card issue and it happens in my pass through monitor even if I'm not recording or there's no SD Card in the slot.


And, it doesn't always happen.  It only happens in the setup pictured in the video (the cardboard backdrop and the grey table). If I swap out the painting with something else, it'll still flicker.


One thing I was thinking, knowing nothing, is that I also use this camera to film a puppet on a grey background.  The puppet is pure white so I'm wondering if filming stuff with him I'm somehow damaged the iris/lens of the camera with the light reflecting off of him?  The flickering never occurs when I'm filming with the puppet.


Anyway, would love it if anyone has any ideas that might help.  If you need more info, please let me know.




And you. Hope you get your upgrade.
