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Good converter for MXF files?


Could I please get some recommendations on easy to use converters for the MXF files that the Canon XF300 makes.  Some members of our production team are using Premiere Elements and they won't go into that software.  I'd like something that can batch convert if possible.  When I google search I get plenty of options, but I'd prefer some actual recomendations on what you guys use.  This will be for non-advanced users, so "easy to use" is key here.



Canon adopts MPEG-2 for the XF series Professional Camcorder as the Canon XF Codec to ensure their videos have the widest compatibility with existing industry infrastructure and non-linear editing (NLE) systems. And with the MXF file wrapper, video and audio can be wrapped in a single file along with important metadata. 


But if you are the user of Canon XF series( Canon XF100/XF105/XF300/XF305 or Canon C300) or Panasonic P2 series, you will encounter the problem while importing the MXF files to Adobe Premiere Pro 6.0 or its earlier versions of CS4, CS5, CS5.5, or even Premiere Elements, you may see the error "ERROR COMPILING MOVIE: UNKNOWN"coming up when exporting a movie composed of MXF clips, whether it's to AVI, H.264, etc., this error comes up, in particular when the movie is "long", i.e. a half minute to a minute. Otherwise, with short clips there is no problem.


It's enough to make you want to pull your hair out. The Internet is full of discussions on this issue, but we don't know why Adobe can't fix it? The bottom line, however, is that once you convert your MXF files to H.264 MOV using Brorsoft MXF Converter, there are absolutely no problems regardless of file lengt...which in our case is perhaps a four minute movie.


NOt sure if your problem has been sloved or not. If you want to import your mxf files into FCP , then you can totally use fcp mxf plugin to solve your problem, but if you want to playback your mxf files, then some third-party software you may need. I recommend iMixmxf. Because I shot my videos with an external mic , so this app helped me a lot !
