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Camcorder vixia hf r800

I am using a 64 gb hd card to record. If I record a video for an hour will it all stay in one file? If it splits up will I be notified to restart camera when additional file starts? What if I record at the lower quality setting, will it then go into one file?


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Yes indeed, the broad strokes of your workflow scenario sound correct.  And while our technical support team is not intimately familiar with Wondershare software, a cursory glance at their web site seems to indicate this is the type of software which could digest individual clips and collate them into a single file.    

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Product Expert

Hi jimblair,

The files will be separated if the size of the video exceeds 4GB total, if you shoot at 35Mbps for more than 30 minutes or if you record any other quality for more than an hour, however all of the files for one clip are kept together as a sort of playlist so most modern computers and video editing programs know how to treat these as one whole clip instead of a number of separate files. This process is automatic so it will not warn you when it is about to split a clip but functionally there would not be a difference between this and a single very large file. Hope this helps!

Yes, it does. So if I want to record an hour at 35mbps and use a 64 gb chip,, I just turn it on and let it go. It will probably split into multiple files, but my Wondershare software will allow me to merge into one file, correct?


Yes indeed, the broad strokes of your workflow scenario sound correct.  And while our technical support team is not intimately familiar with Wondershare software, a cursory glance at their web site seems to indicate this is the type of software which could digest individual clips and collate them into a single file.    

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Thanks very much, Tim

I want to record an hour of flute performance. Can I use Adobe Premier Elements to combine the files seamlessly and then sync with an audio file using separate software?