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I have sx50hs Iand I want to keep pic count as continous but everytime I download it goes back to #1
I have a sx50hs 12mp camera. When I send photos to shutterstock thet tell me they need at least 4 mp. How do I get my camera to shoot at least 4mp or greater. I shoot all my photos in raw format(if that help you)
I shoot all my pics in manual and raw format. when I put in continous shoot it is very slow like maybe 2 fps. what am I doing wrong? I need it to shoot much faster but I don't won't to go into JPEG or SCN mode.  thanks for your help
I have a sx50hs and I have my counter set to continous, but each day when I go to take photos the count starts back at 1. Can you help me fix this problem
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