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I have a cannon sx50hs I have counter set on continouse but each the count starts back at one.


I have a sx50hs and I have my counter set to continous, but each day when I go to take photos the count starts back at 1. Can you help me fix this problem



Check the setting right under that for creating folders, you probably have it set to Daily not Monthly 

It is set to Daily, I have always had it that way. I shoot all my photos in Raw. When I view pics on camera it show continous #'s. When I download to Digital Photo Professional the count starts back at  CR 1 everytime. Can you help me with that

In the Rename Tool from the Tool menu there is a box in the upper top left where you can specify how you want to handle file names. Do you have that set to keep original file names ? 

Also I am includind a link for tutorials that Canon has on DPP to refer to that come in handy to watch.

Can I set it up where it automaticlly goes to orginal # or do I have to wait till I highlight a photo to do it. I went in and if photo wasn't highlighted I couldn't use the tool.

You can set it to always go to the original file name and number in the Preferences window under tools I believe by selecting retaining the sort order. Im not at my regular computer now but I will look later.

Hi John,


did not see anything under preferences or under tools. Let me know when you get back to your computer. Could it be anything when I download? I just got new computer that uses window 8.1. Didn't have problem when using Vista

hi and Ok under Preferences, View settings a little over halfway down there is a checkbox for "retain sort order "  I've never been concerned with the file numbering so I am just looking for things that might help you.

Between that and my other post maybe that will help.


sort order.PNG

thanks for all your help John, I will give that a shot. Is there anyway to send emails from the dpp program, or how to get photos into emails from the dpp program. I end up sending them to picasa and they never look the same as they do in dpp. I use google(gmail) to send emails. Any suggestions? I appreciate all your help John.

There is no way to send directly from DPP that I could find.

When you tranfer them to Picasa what format are you sending them as? 

You are very welcome
