WHAT DOES DPP4 MEAN BY THIS PHRASE?On page 22 of the current instruction manual for DPP4 (version 4.18.10) the text says a user can view an image's AF points on a computer display in either of two configurations. Those two are (1) "Show only AF poin...
Has anyone else had their CPS equipment inventory drastically reduced by Canon, resulting in no longer qualifying for the existing membership level? All of a sudden, my inventory seems backdated by years, only showing less than half of the points I ...
The current October issue of Outdoor Photographer magazine has an excellent article on "Photographing Birds In Flight." That article contains two important recommendations, the first one of which I asked this Community about as a separate topic a m...
If I am shooting my EOS 7D2 at 10 fps in AI Servo, using (for example) Single Point Expansion and AF Case 6, with Tv at 1/1250th, should I turn off the IS feature on my 300mm f/4L IS lens? Why or why not? If the camera is tracking a subject and sho...
I have reviewed all of the articles available (that I know of) on the CDLC Knowledge Base, pertaining to specifics and details as to how the predictive autofocus capabilities on the 7D MarkII work and can be used effectively. I find a lot of Canon a...
Thanks, and just a parting affirmation. This is from a post on the DP Review Forum in November, 2018, in response to a question that is the same as we are discussing. Here it is:Question: How many focus points are you using? And which focus points?A...
Thanks, Rodger. Roger that. Your response provides needed info not available elsewhere. I was wanting and trying to use illuminated AF points comparatively between Single Point Expansion and Single Point Surround, to see which cluster configuration...
Thanks to both responders. I have examined thousands (you read that correctly) of images shot with AI Servo, using Single-Point (manual selection), Single-Point Expansion (5 total AF points) and Single-Point Surround (total 9 points). Not one (you ...
Thanks to all. This afternoon saw a visit by a beautiful hummingbird. I fetched my 7D2 with 300 4/fL IS and 1.4x, turned the body on, and (wait for it!) nothing happened. Turns out that this battery was also totally discharged without my being awa...
Thanks. I think it provides corroboration that these expensive little guys (I have 6 of them, all branded official Canon batteries, all made in China) can be problematic if we don't maintain some kind of means to ensure we check their status periodic...