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Canon Knowledge Base Lacking In 7D MarkII AF Topics


I have reviewed all of the articles available (that I know of) on the CDLC Knowledge Base, pertaining to specifics and details as to how the predictive autofocus capabilities on the 7D MarkII work and can be used effectively.  I find a lot of Canon articles and guides on AF as they relate specifically to the EOS 1-DX and 5D MarkIII, dating back to 2012.  I understand the 7D MarkII's AF capabilities build on those technologies, so would like to have the same kind of information specifically for the 7D-II because there are differences in this newer AF system.  The newest material I see is from Rudy Windston, dated 9-15-2014 (Differences between Zone AF and AF Point Expansion).  I have reviewed various printed Canon materials many times (Instruction Manual, current version; EOS 7D Mark II AF-Setting Guidebook), Canon FAQs,and all available videos from CDLC and other sources (, an excellent source) as well as David Busch's superb EOS 7D MarkII Fast Track Guide. Ideas/helps welcome.


Thanks to you both for responding.  Based on my experience he last many years, I would have to guess that  CanonTech Support is not allowed to take the time to provide even "yes" or "no" answers to very specific and detailed questions I have spent a lot of time developing as a result of reading all of the materials  and sources available (yes, all of them, multiple times), as a part of developing my own whitepaper on these capabilities. Why am I developing this on my own?  To pull together, reconcile, clarify, coalesce, and re-state information (including what seems to be contradictory or confusing terminology and usage) from multiple sources, so I have a personal single document I can refer to periodically to analyze unsatisfactory results, plan test scenarios, and refresh my understanding of how to use this gear on a regular basis.  I appreciate the effort Canon has put into development of the 7D2 AF-Setting Guidebook, and find this resource a good starting point for defining what I need to further analyze to create a uniform, coherent document on this subject for my own personal use. Are you aware, for example, that the current version of the 7D2 Instruction Manual has only one occurrence of the term "active AF point" in all of its 548 pages (according to Adobe Acrobat), and no reference to it in the index?  I have yet to find a really good, fairly complete and understandable explanation of this term, although after dozens of hours of research on my own, I think I comprehend the use of such points (even though sometimes it seems the terms "active AF point" and "AF point" are confusingly used interchangeably in your various materials).  I just want/need to understand this technology as well as I can, to have one single source to refresh that understanding, in order to use it most effectively.  I have been shooting Canon gear exclusively for about 55 years, and have a 35-year career in I.T.  I just need sufficiently-thorough, understandable, accurate, reliable, consistent information on which to base my use of this camera, and have found that it is apparently up to me to develop it in a form that makes the most sense to me.  Canon is obviously my gear of choice, and will remain so.  Am I alone in this pursuit?

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There is a PDF about the AF system in the 7D2 that is few dozen pages in length.  It was released when the camera was released.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks.  My query documents that. What I have read by Canon leaves knowledge gaps, unfortunately. Looking for help. 50-year Canon user.

@digiquisitive wrote:

Thanks.  My query documents that. What I have read by Canon leaves knowledge gaps, unfortunately. Looking for help. 50-year Canon user.

Do yo have any specific questions?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Hi digiquisitive!


Thanks for posting!


The Canon Digital Learning Center (CDLC) is only one learning resource. Our most extensive knowledge base is actually on our Support Site, and that's the one our engineers udpate daily!


Here is a link 7D Mark II Support Knowledge Base


Don't forget, you also have our entire Support Team at your disposal! Anytime you have a question, and you can't find an answer, our friendly, professional team is happy to help! They're right here in the USA, and support at Canon USA is always free to use! Our team is available weekdays from 8am to Midnight (Eastern Time), and Saturdays form 10am to 8pm (Eastern) at 1-800-OK-CANON (800-652-2666).


I hope this helps! 

Thanks to you both for responding.  Based on my experience he last many years, I would have to guess that  CanonTech Support is not allowed to take the time to provide even "yes" or "no" answers to very specific and detailed questions I have spent a lot of time developing as a result of reading all of the materials  and sources available (yes, all of them, multiple times), as a part of developing my own whitepaper on these capabilities. Why am I developing this on my own?  To pull together, reconcile, clarify, coalesce, and re-state information (including what seems to be contradictory or confusing terminology and usage) from multiple sources, so I have a personal single document I can refer to periodically to analyze unsatisfactory results, plan test scenarios, and refresh my understanding of how to use this gear on a regular basis.  I appreciate the effort Canon has put into development of the 7D2 AF-Setting Guidebook, and find this resource a good starting point for defining what I need to further analyze to create a uniform, coherent document on this subject for my own personal use. Are you aware, for example, that the current version of the 7D2 Instruction Manual has only one occurrence of the term "active AF point" in all of its 548 pages (according to Adobe Acrobat), and no reference to it in the index?  I have yet to find a really good, fairly complete and understandable explanation of this term, although after dozens of hours of research on my own, I think I comprehend the use of such points (even though sometimes it seems the terms "active AF point" and "AF point" are confusingly used interchangeably in your various materials).  I just want/need to understand this technology as well as I can, to have one single source to refresh that understanding, in order to use it most effectively.  I have been shooting Canon gear exclusively for about 55 years, and have a 35-year career in I.T.  I just need sufficiently-thorough, understandable, accurate, reliable, consistent information on which to base my use of this camera, and have found that it is apparently up to me to develop it in a form that makes the most sense to me.  Canon is obviously my gear of choice, and will remain so.  Am I alone in this pursuit?

Just completed trip during which I shot 228 GB of outdoor subjects including wildlife and waterfowl.  This little expedition reminded me again about how terribly poor the 7D MarkII is when it comes to tracking moving subjects.  Example: a large great blue heron, close to the bank, almost totlly filling viewfinder, lifts off and flies across a pond.  DPP shows that I had AF points on this bird for every single shot, and only about 10% of the images even come close to being in focus.  Nothing amiss with my settings.  What's amiss is the hit-and-miss probabilty of this camera body performing as advertised.  Hope Canon's delay in releasing the MarkIII is due to straightening out the mess they've made with the MarkII's tracking capabilities. Yes, I got some good shots -- maybe in the range of 5-10% success at best. Not acceptable. Why doesn't Canon upgrade the MarkII tracking software to improve its dependability.  I went into a serious camera shop while gone, and they think the MarkII is pretty much of a joke.  They try to steer everyone away from purchasing it.  What say, Canon?


No one can properly address [your issue] without seeing a [sample] photo and knowing other info [about your shooting conditions].

What lens were you using? Which AF Case setting did you use? What were the lens settings?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks, Wadizzle.  Happy to include, but only if all identifying info is deleted (personal ID-related) and not sent with image. Not sure I can do that selectively without deleting all EXIF info.

@digiquisitive wrote:

Thanks, Wadizzle.  Happy to include, but only if all identifying info is deleted (personal ID-related) and not sent with image. Not sure I can do that selectively without deleting all EXIF info.

Delete the EXIF data.  I did not ask for it, anyway.  I would like to know exposure settings, but I also asked about stuff that is not in the EXIF: I.e.: lens switch settings; camera AF settings, etc.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."