I want to buy a 1.4 or 2.0 extender for my 70D but I was told my camera would not autococus using the extenders and I would have to manually focus. Is this correct?
Recently an "alleged professional photographer" told me that if I was using a lens that had an aperature or f5.6 that I could not set the aperature to anything but 5.6. I think this may be not true based on some photos I took with my 70D and a 400mm ...
Just recently the autofocus on my 70D does not alert me with the green light in the viewfinder or the beep. The problem exists in the creative modes only in basic modes it works. I cleared all settings and functions and it still does not function.An...
KV,Thanks for your reply and I did crop this pic in Preview on my mac laptop as the original was too large to attach to my post and the only way I know is to crop it. So you are spot on as to resizing. Just still trying to get a grip on the af system...
DiverhankI was messing around with the original in Preview on my mac laptop pro and did change some coloring and tones etc and then I could not get back to the original so it could very well be overprocessed. I struggle with the af settings on the 70...
I said he was an "alleged professional photographer" because I didnt know the guy from the man in the moon. I was looking at lenses in a camera store and he just started giving unsolicited advice. I know I have set the aperature on my 400mm f5.6L le...