To isolate the software related issues, Canon techical support asked me to download the Canon Print app for iPhone and print the test photo from there. If it prints correctly from iPhone via Canon Print app, then it is more likely the software/setup ...
My issue with magenta cast was resolved! I called Canon technical support yesterday and they diagnosed it to the print head issue. They sent me a new print head and I can happily confirm that the new print head fixed my magenta cast issue.
thank you John, I called the canon technical support but they said I need to replace the ink first to resolve the out of ink error before they can help trouble shoot. I will provide an update once I get the ink replaced.
I printed about 30 on 8.5x11 test prints on other photos which has more gray colors. I did 3 cleanning cycles and 2 deep cleaning cycles, 2 nozzle checks. This is a brand new printer so it consumed some initial inks to setup as well. LGrey is about 2...
Yeah, I think the grayscale ball had a slight pink tint as well. 1. You meant the yellow/orange clear tape? yes, I did this yesterday after seeing some suggestion from one of the posts. 2. I'm now out of gray ink after all these test prints. I need t...