Speedlite Transmitter ST-E10 firmware update for frequency interference


Hello all, hopefully someone can shine some light on something i've been curious about because I'm ignorant on the subject.

I'm sure mostly all of us are aware about Canon's dreaded wireless "link drop" in their RT system issue caused by frequency interference.

Now i don't own multiple flashes - just an EL-5 - and I was looking to invest in an ST-E10 transmitter for my R6 Mark II and notice they're out of stock everywhere. I was digging around and saw a comment saying there's a possibility they're "updating" them before they start selling them again.

Now my question is, for Canon to "update" their RT system, would it be something that has to be done via hardware or software? I notice you're able to update the ST-E10 transmitter via firmware on their site and was curious if they could tweak their frequency settings through this method or would that be something you'd have to get new hardware for? 



I have the EOS R6 Mark II and purchased an ST-E10 transmitter in February this year. I have used the transmitter with the Speedlite EL-5, and also my other RT system Speedlites including Speedlite 600EX-RT, Speedlite 600EX II-RT and Speedlite 430EX III-RT. I have not seen the link drop issue in all my years using the RT Speedlite system. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but I'e not had a problem.

What Canon might be able to do with a firmware update is likely to depend on what they designed the unit to have changed by software. The key would be that any change also needs the other elements of the system changing too and that is much harder for other devices that do not have user updated firmware.


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
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