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imageFORMULA R40 Capture On Touch not accepted by Mac OS Ventura (OS 13)


COT was working fine with Mac OS 12 (Monterey) but since I upgraded to OS 13 Ventura, Ventura says COT "is damaged." When I downloaded a new copy, it always say, "installation failed!" My scanner is Canon ImageFormula R40. So my scanner is useless until Canon releases a new COT?


Hi Arthur,

I'm on Ventura and very unhappy, because I followed your Setup Guide, chose "Mac" on the Japanese site, and am stuck with a scanner that doesn't work. I tried to uninstall what I could find, installed the Ventura software (labeled incoherently) but it still doesn't work.

You wrote, "Please remove the scanner driver and software from your computer..."

Great! Your installer doesn't uninstall, as well-written ones do. So, where is this driver? What is its file name? What other software is there? Where is it? How many files? What are their names? Is that essential info too much to expect from a Product Expert? Why can't the Japanese site be updated to not lead people into this morass?

I should add that I get:


Cannot use driver."

And when I go into the CaptureOneTouch menu (when I don't get the spinning beach ball), my version is and "Check Update Information..." says I'm up to date.


It's now several months since people first started having this issue, and I don't yet see that a fix has been made? I've spent hours uninstalling, restarting, reinstalling, many times over... and no luck yet. Amazon is still selling this model for several hundred dollars, and still saying it is compatible with Mac, but I'd be sorely disappointed if I ordered a new one! I really like this scanner - I use it almost daily for genealogy - PLEASE provide a good, overall fix. Thank you! 


Turns out that my problem was fixed when I went into "System Settings", selected "Privacy & Security", selected "Automation", turned on "CaptureOnTouch" and "Touch" "Capture on Touch."

Then returned to "Privacy & Security" and "Full Disk Access" and turned on ""

It has been working fine since this was done.

this did not work

this worked great for me. Thanks!

This totally worked. Thank you. I wonder why they will not just supply new drivers for the new OS's? 
