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Canon ImageFormula R40 Scanner no longer scanning--TWAIN error


I have loved my R40 scanner, but now it won't work. I use the Canon-supplied software, both the driver and the CaptureOnTouch software. Recently, when I've tried to use it, I get "An error has occurred with the TWAIN driver. [Error: 80FF0001]" and that's it.

I've tried re-installing the driver. I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it. I've tried uninstalling all the Canon software and re-installing the whole software package. Nothing has made it work. Someone, please help! Thank you.


Yes. Yes we shall.


Hello, CANON! Is anyone there doing anything? Are you going to come out with a solution? We all spent good money on your scanner, and it's not working. Please give us an update.

Hi everyone, 

A client of mine had this problem last month. I spent a few hours troubleshooting to no happiness. The next day she called Canon Customer Support on her own and they remoted into her computer and fixed the issue.  I wasn't there for the call, but it seems they downloaded and installed picndln_install_08262020.exe .  I don't know how it works or if requires any further configuration, but everything is going smoothly now. Before I reported back here, I wanted to wait a couple of weeks to make sure their fix actually stuck, and it seems like it did/does. Guthrie, I'm sorry this program didn't work for you, but I hope this helps someone else.  


I'm in the same boat as everyone else that has posted. Tried everything listed here and have had to just restart the WIN 11 computer every time I want to Scan. That works, but it certainly is a lousy way for a company to respond to a consistent problem with their product. . . . The companies that hire me to evaluate products before purchasing, will be surprised when I report that Canon is not responding to this issue. 

Thanks for the tip! This fixed my problem... now to let @canon debug and figure out why restarting a Windows service allows the scanner to work! 🤔

Thanks man, 

this really helped me out! 
I first was thinking about a windows update, as this was the last thing which had changed on the PC.

But as this now poped up a second time and the update is still blocked, the deactivation of the WIA service worked for me.

Thanks a lot for your inverstigation. I also opened a remedy ticket @ Canon Germany regarding this issue.

if you always do what you can already do, always remains what you already are (Henry Ford)

Can we get a fix from Canon after all these months? Calling on the phone got me sent on another wild goose chase, and the registry repair tool was only a temporary fix. I don't know if it was flawed Canon software or a Microsoft update that started this mess. What I do know is, I bought a Canon scanner, and for months now I've spent more time trying to get it to work than I have actually getting documents scanned. Please fix this. Thank you.


Hey together,

did you tried to deactivate the WIA service, as mentioned before?
For me this has helped in all of my problems, even with other scanner models like DR-M160, DR-G2090.

I also have escalated this to Canon Germany, they are aware of this issue and are in contact with Canon Europe regarding this. As soon I have more information's, I'll let you know.


if you always do what you can already do, always remains what you already are (Henry Ford)

Not sure who/how this got marked as a solution. One person on a local system reported something (temporarily) worked? I started the thread - and until all others also agree - this should not be flagged as a solution.


Cannon pushed out an updated driver last month. the problem persists.  
