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Canon ImageFormula R40 Scanner no longer scanning--TWAIN error


I have loved my R40 scanner, but now it won't work. I use the Canon-supplied software, both the driver and the CaptureOnTouch software. Recently, when I've tried to use it, I get "An error has occurred with the TWAIN driver. [Error: 80FF0001]" and that's it.

I've tried re-installing the driver. I've tried uninstalling it and re-installing it. I've tried uninstalling all the Canon software and re-installing the whole software package. Nothing has made it work. Someone, please help! Thank you.


Yup. I saw that update and thought, "Oh, good! Finally!" I downloaded it from Canon, installed it, and still had problems.

checked the services currently running on my system, WIA is not listed in services loaded

My solution is to take this thing back to Office Deport for full refund.  I don't have the time to play these Mickey Mouse games.  Will never buy another Cannon product.

This is a Microsoft issue not a Canon issue. Canon is already investigating, but it takes some time, as always when software bugs are reported.

if you always do what you can already do, always remains what you already are (Henry Ford)

Hi, did you tried to shut down & deactivate the Windows WIA service? In all my cases, at least 5 customers had this issue, it has worked for me!


if you always do what you can already do, always remains what you already are (Henry Ford)

It may have been triggered by Microsoft, but the driver that isn't working is for my Canon scanner. I downloaded the new Canon software, and it's still only working part of the time. I paid Canon a few hundred dollars for a scanner that worked for a while and now is completely unreliable (and was a large paperweight for quite some time, making me take documents elsewhere for scanning). Four or five months to get an updated driver out--one that works, unlike the one they released last month--is more than enough time. Meanwhile, calling Canon on the phone was useless, and there doesn't seem to be an official response here in this Canon forum. MS isn't going to take ownership of the driver issues for every piece of equipment people buy. The equipment manufacturers should be doing that.


I am having this same problem, and none of the posted solutions have fixed it. 


I just thought I'd give an update from my post some months ago. I have made several calls to Canon Customer Support and the only solution that works (for a couple of days at most) is to use the 'Registry Repair Tool' to clear up the registry conflict, then do a computer restart/reboot. When the restart is finished, the scanner works for a short while until 'SOMETHING' goes wrong agai with the TWAIN driver. . . . . . . Neither Canon nor Microsoft has taken ownership for fixing this ongoing and very frustrating problem. Canon seems to think it has something to do with Windows 11 not being ready for Prime Time just yet. . . . a really disgusting response it my opinion.


Thank you, this has helped me

Quick update. I had a system crash that necessitated a clean install of the operating system and software. I did not reinstall Windows 11 but opted to downgrade to my old Window 10 Pro OS. After all of my software & drivers were reinstalled, I tested the R40 in the Windows 10 configuration, and everything worked just fine. It has been working just fine for the past 4 weeks of fairly heavy use with not one single hic-up . . . . . My conclusion, this is a Microsoft problem & a Windows 11 problem. I will give Windows 11 another year to work out its problems before I upgrade again.
