Cannot communicate with scanner Error with CanoScan LiDE 300


Hi! I recently purchased the CanoScan LiDE 300. I am operating on the Mac OS Sequoia 15.2. I installed the IJ Scan Utility Lite Driver for this OS here. My finder can detect that a USB device is plugged in:Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 7.44.32 PM.png

However, the scanner is not detected in "Printers & Scanners" as seen below:Screenshot 2025-02-10 at 7.45.08 PM.png

And when I launch Canon IJ Scan Utility Lite app, I get this error: 

"Cannot communicate with scanner. Possible reasons:

- Scanner is turned off.

- (If using wired LAN connection) It is disconnected from wired LAN.

- (If using Wi-Fi connection) Signal strength is poor due to obstructions.

- (If using USB connection) USB cable is disconnected.

- Other software or another user is using the scanner."

I don't know what else to try 😞 Why isn't the software detecting the scanner properly? Thanks so much in advance!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi sabina28,

Are you using the USB cable that was included with your LiDE 300?

If you are, then you are also using an adapter to connect that cable to your Mac, is that correct?

Is the adapter that you are using an Apple adapter?  If not, I would suggest trying that.

Here is the adapter that I am referring to:







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