Using RC-V100 to control C200B while recording


Hi All,
I'm using an RC-V100 Remote Controller to control a C200B in another room. I'm finding that once I begin recording on the C200, all remote functionality is locked out including (ironically) the ability to stop recording. I've dug through the user manual and camera menus and haven't had any luck finding where this is enabled. I've also confirmed that the camera is not set to "key lock" mode. It's pretty critical that I'm able to record the camera and still have remote control of it.

Any thoughts here?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi officialmattsny,

Thanks for checking in with us. Are you using one of the cables we offer for the remote or another cable or accessory? What other accessories are you using with the camera? Are you able to make the remote work when in closer proximity?


Hi Nick2020,

We're using our own cable plugged into the Remote A connector as the distance is longer than the supplied cable. However, all of the cable's specs match the supplied cable, and it functions correctly for all functions unless the C200 is actively recording. The only problem we are experiencing is a loss of control while the c200 is recording.

The C200B is using a Canon 70-200mm compact servo cine zoom lens and canon hand controls. 
