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RF70 WiFi camera registration from Android


I have spent days on this problem


The Easy Connection Guide never recognizes that the Android Nexus 6 completes a wifi connection 


I purchased the camcorder explicitly with the expectation of being able to control it from the Android so this is really annoying


The wifi on the Android connects correctly to the RF70 access point - the camcorder shows that the phone has successfully connected based on the on its on screen message


no matter what combination I try I can never get passed the "Easy Connection" screen bellow 


I have reinstalled the Camera Access app multiple times

I have rebooted my phone multiple times

I have reset the camcorder to factory settings multiple times 

I have deleted the camera access point from the phone and reconnected to a  newly created camcorder access point multiple times


The Camera Access app shows the correct camcorder SSID for the wifi network and shows that the phone is conencted however the app always shows that the "Camera not connected" message  as can be seen in this screen shot 


there is no apparent way to manually configure a camera and the app never seems to trigger a completion event for the camera registration 


I have tried every combination of starting the wifi network first, the app first, configuring new version of the wifi access point at al 


this is an appalingly bad user experience 







Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Aknash,


Thank you for posting.


To allow us to better assist you, please double-check the camera model that you're using.

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camera model and s/n:




app version and info:



Hi Aknash,

Thanks for your reply.


Since you're using the VIXIA HF R70, I recommend using the CameraAccess Plus app, which was designed to work with the majority of our camcorders.  (The Camera Connect app only works with our VIXIA HF R80 and VIXIA HF R82 as well as most of our still image wi-fi compatible cameras.)

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Thanks Richard but the Android app store will not allow me to load CameraAccess plus as the current version is apparently not compatible with my phone - a little unusual to say the least given that the phone is only 2 years old, but it appears that it does not work on Android 7.0


The comments show a bunch of folks havinf the same problem as I am as well 


is there any indication when the current version of the Android operating system will be supported?


thanks for the help



Hi Aknash,


You're welcome.


No replacement for the CameraAccess Plus app has been announced, however we don't find out about new app versions until the date of release.

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