C70 Noise on Input 1 & 2


Hi there, I've recently acquired a C70 and been having trouble setting up audio. When I connect the mic (Sennheiser G4) via either of the mini-XLR inputs I get a steady static noise.

This happens even when nothing is plugged in so I don't think it can be the mic or the wire. My levels on the mic and the receiver are healthy. It's there when set to Mic or Mic with phantom power, it only stops when set to Line so I'm guessing it's some sort of internal pre-amp? I feel like I've been through every possible setting at this stage and can't figure out what the problem is so if this sounds familiar to anyone and you've found a fix I'd be really grateful to know! At the moment I'm just resorting to recording sound on the b-cam (R5, same mic going through the Tascam, no problems).


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello TeamPort,

You would want to set corresponding INPUT 1/INPUT 2 audio source selection switch to simply MIC. Let's also verify that the correct input type has been selected. Select [MENU > Audio Setup > MIC Input]. Choose [MIC]. I reference that because you mention that this is happening even when nothing is connected to the camera. Lastly, let's see if adjusting the audio level helps. You can do that by setting the [Audio level switch] to M (manual) next to the appropriate channel being used. Then, turn the associated dial for that channel.


Yes I get exactly the same, there is a pretty terrible noise floor on the C70 whatever I adjust, dials, inputs, menu settings. Even with nothing plugged in. I've recorded the same environment with the Zoom F3 as a control for room atmos, and there's no hiss. I think we're at the mercy of some bad pre-amps in the C70, unless some has a miracle up their sleeves.
