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C400 focus peaking noise all over image


I got my C400 a while ago, it’s great so far but I’ve found a big issue with the focus peaking.

When you activate it it gives the entire image on the lcd a red cast or whatever color you chose in the menu. So not only does it make things in focus red but also all the noise present in the image. As soon as you turn it on the image gets noisier on the screen also. White is the only one you can use but it washes out the image and introduces a lot of grain to it.

Video of the issue:

Either I am missing something basic or there is an issue/bug with the camera/software. I have tried with different settings, but no matter what I do I always have this issue to a degree. it gets way worse if I crank up the peaking strength in the menu.

The C200, FX9 and FX6 I used to shoot with worked as it should with peaking, no issues there ever. This function on the C400 is almost unusable.

Anyone ever seen anything like this? Monitor LUT’s on/off makes no difference. Different gammas makes it either a bit better or worse.

This issue is not as visible in broad daylight on the monitor, but as soon as you have darker parts of on the screen the peaking color shows all over the place.
