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imagePROGRAF PRO-1000 Support needed


I have been in the photography business for 40 years starting out as a printer in both traditional black and white printing and C Type color printing. I started digital around 2016 onward and watched the technology evolve to the point where photographers can produce high quality prints at home.

With printing at some point there will be an issue. Back in the chemical days it was usually a machine part wore out or chemistry was contaminated. It was an easy fix and their was always help on hand. Digital printing is no different in that sometimes there is an issue either with hardware, software or the printer itself. What I do not expect is to have a 'so called' online technician refuse to offer help because my printer is out of warranty. If the printer breaks within a year of the warranty, you will just replace it, if its out of warranty you don't want to know. There is no service here and I find it deplorable that there is no support offered. It does not matter how long I have had the printer, It's still your product and a lousy one at that. This printer is a piece of junk. Just look at the amount of problems this printer has. It is in no way professional. I have an Epson p5000 and never had an issue. Thankfully I can go back to that.

If you are considering the Canon P1000, you may want to reconsider.



Hi there!

I can understand the frustration here. Have you tried calling our support team by phone? Your printer is still within its service life so technical support should be available! You can reach them at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Please consider reaching out to them for troubleshooting!
