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Pro 100 mac big sur borderless failure


MacOS Big Sur with latest everything (all updated).  CURRENT Pro 100 driver will not allow borderless.  [Source app independent, does not matter where I am printing from.]  Page setup correctly (IE, in Apple Pages) for Letter 8.5x11 Borderless. Border adjustment is dimmed, bleed cannot be adjusted; borderless printing not working.  ANY paper.  Driver removed, cleaned out all Canon files, fresh driver downoad & install after factor reset of the printer.  Stil not allowing borderless.  Have tried various 'solutions' without luck.  Used to work, even in Big Sur.  Don't know what may have changed (other than a maintenance update for Big Sur, which is on current version 11.3.1.)  Obiously missing something but dunno wht else to check.  Even after clean OS re-installed, everything 'fresh', will not print borderless of any size.


Yup, it is possible and it is capable.... if I can find the magic word!


I am having the same issue with my Canon TS 9520. I'm not sure of how to get the IJ series version but I saw that you mentioned I should wait a few minutes to see if it pops up but I only see the Bonjour. I recently got a Mac laptop and had no issues with my canon when I was using a HP computer. I hope you can help me. 

Based on the Canon support site it doesn't look like there is support for your printer beyond macOS Catalina.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Okay thank you 
