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Pro-10: prints too dark on OSX solved (driver issue)


I am passing this around in case others face the same issue:


I've had this issue for a few months on a relatively new pro-10 where prints were too dark (I have a calibrated workflow) and I could always compensate using some brightness boost in the Canon Print Studio plug in. My pro-10 was connected wirelessly.


Some folks were warning agains the airprint driver on Macs, that it was messing things up. I don't think I had that driver installed. I checked, rechecked, reinstalled, etc, and the driver chosen never said Airprint.


But then I decided to uninstall all versions of this printer and start from scratch with a USB cable connected, and bingo! this solved the problem. So there you go, I hope somebody finds this useful. 


My only inconvenience is that now I need to have the printer next to the Mac, but I don't feel like wasting more time and debugging the wireless connection.... Oh well....


It's an awesome printer; I just did a big print on Canson rag photographique and it looks just gorgeous.
