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Pixma Pro200 will not accept paper size - Ventura 13.5.2


All of a sudden my Pro200 printer refuses to accept paper size changes. For instance, I have it set to letter size. Every piece of information I see indicates letter size. It will not print and continues giving me a 1062 error code. I've done everything to satisfy the code, selecting paper size, telling it to ignore width. 

My first prints were so easy (as compared to years of Epson frustration) but now I'm not sure. I can not find the Canon printer utility tool I keep seeing referenced. will print to 11x14 and even simply refuses to accept a letter size setting. WTF. 

Frustrated in Colorado, 



Product Expert
Product Expert


So we can better assist you, please let us know what version of Windows or MacOS your computer is running. Or if you would like assistance in real time from our phone or chat team, you will need to register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.


We look forward to hearing from you. 


Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 1.01.20 PM.png


Please remove the printer from printers and scanners and then restart your computer. After the restart, click HERE and download/reinstall the printer driver. 

Once the printer driver is installed, go back to printers and scanner and add the printer. Make sure the printer selected is not the airprint or bonjour option listed. You will want to make sure its using the PRO 200 driver.

Once that is done, try to adjust paper size and print. If the issue persists,  I recommend you reach out to Canon support. You will need to register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.

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I'll give this a try. Thank you. 


Hi Arthur- I'm having the same issue. I was trying to do a nozzle cleaning directly through the printer buttons. Then when I try on my computer I get the same error 1062. So, it doesn't seem to be an issue of reinstalling the printer driver. There seems to be an issue within the printer itself. I haven't printed in a few months, which is why I wanted to do the nozzle check. But I can't even get it to print due to this error 1062. 

Product Expert
Product Expert


To begin troubleshooting, try turning off the paper mismatch setting by using the steps below:

select Various settings on the printer's HOME screen, select Printer settingsPaper-related settingsAdvanced paper settings in this order, select the paper type, and then set Detect paper width to OFF.

Once that is done, try to print  the nozzle check again. 

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Thanks so much for your reply. So, I already had detect paper width 'off'. I did go through the steps just in case, but I'm getting the same error. All 'firmware is up to date as well. I'm really just thrown for a loop on this. 

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi tomg3,

Please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:

Once logged in, click on your product and then the Get Service & Support button.
When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button.




