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Canon Pixma Pro9000 Printer No More Service Support! Please Help


This has been a great printer. Suddenly have Service Error 9200. Alternate orange & green flashing lights.

I cleaned the printer head as shown in many You Tube videos. Now I 'm thinking I need to clean the ink absorber

but haven't found good directions on how-to.

Canon no longer supports this machine so they are no help. The machine is in like new condition & I have a lot of

ink. I wish Canon would just tell me how to FIX IT!

BYW- for the Community; never call the support phone numbers listed in these boards. Look on your product manuel

or call the numbers CANON itself has posted. I mistakingly called a support number from these boards &

soon realized they were phishing. The person on the line wanted to take remote control over my computer - for a

printer issue!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Switz7,


You would need to take the printer to any electronic shop that can service printers. You can perform a online search with the keywords printer repair and your zip code. This should pull up any shop that has the ability to service printers. If there are no repair shops in your area, you do qualify for the Canon Upgrade Program.


This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require service or are incompatible with a new or upgraded system. This program allows you the opportunity to purchase a replacement product discounted from the list price. Free ground shipping is included with your purchase.


If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please call our Sales Department at (866) 443-8002 mon-Sat, 9 AM to 9pm EST. Let them know you have been working with technical support and that the Canon Upgrade Program was offered.


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I have a Canon Pro9000 that is in perfect condition and prints beautifully but I cannot find software to work with my upgraded system, macOS Catalina, version 10.15.4. Does it exist? I can't afford a new printer of this quality and would love to keep this one. Is it possible?

Thank you,



I really think that every printer Canon sells should come with a warning about the fake technical support issue. I just installed a new Canon printer with my Mac and I clicked on a file that was on my desktop, looking for an online manual, and up popped a message saying that some software had failed to load, with a chat window asking if they could be of help. I was convinced it was Canon and I did give access to my computer briefly. The line was that some trojan virus on my computer was detected by the printer and that's why the software would not load. When the guy offered to protect my computer for $199.99 for two years I realized I was being scammed and got off the line. I ran two anti-virus programs and changed the password to my computer and my network, so I don't think I'm injured beyond my embarrassment. Hopefully they were only after my credit card number.


NO **bleep** SUPPORT... Same issue.  CANON SHOULD BE ASHAMED.   Just informed that the Ink Absorber in Canon Pro 9000 needs replacement.  CANON NO LONGER SUPPORTS IT.  Therefore I have boxes and boxes of Canon Ink and Paper and no Printer.  I thought of purchasing a used printer, same model, but alas eventually same issue.  NOT REAL REAL HAPPY AT ALL.

@malcol00 wrote:

NO **bleep** SUPPORT... Same issue.  CANON SHOULD BE ASHAMED.   Just informed that the Ink Absorber in Canon Pro 9000 needs replacement.  CANON NO LONGER SUPPORTS IT.  Therefore I have boxes and boxes of Canon Ink and Paper and no Printer.  I thought of purchasing a used printer, same model, but alas eventually same issue.  NOT REAL REAL HAPPY AT ALL.

Just curious - for how many years do you think a vendor should support a product?

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic


Do you know how old this Pro9000 printer might be? Thanks.

I believe it was released in 2007.
John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

A year younger than my iMac and Apple is still giving me support when I need it. Though I think that PSElements is not too happy with the OS now.

Obtaining service for your Apple product after an expired warranty - Apple Support

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic