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imageCLASS MF654Cdw Scanner Trouble, Cannot communicate with scanner error


Good day, 
I keep getting the error below; 

"Cannot communicate with scanner.
Cable may be disconnected or scanner may be turned off.
Check status.
Scanner driver will be closed.

I'm on a windows 11 pro os and the printer is an MF654Cdw

I have deleted the printer from computer uninstalled all the drivers and scan gear several times, yet it still does not work, from the drivers and software menu i have 3 options to download that say recommended, I've tried downloading all three (Master Setup (Windows),[Windows 32bit & 64bit] MF Scan Utility Ver.,[Windows 64bit] MF656Cdw/ MF654Cdw/ MF653Cdw/ MF652Cw MFDrivers (Generic Plus UFR II / Generic FAX / ScanGear) yet the scanning still does not work.

Any help with this matter would really be appreciated.

Thank you



I have the exact same issue. Who can I pay to fix this?


I have the same issue. It shouldn't be this difficult. 


Final Solution.

I had 1 month of issue and I found culprit what creates this mess, so please do this and fix your problem

Download fresh copy of windows 11 23h2 from teamos website.

After fresh installation, go to settings->windows features on and off-> network and activate "SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support"

Now install ant canon printer driver, in my case it was mf650cdw series. Now scanner printer all drives installed smoothly and works awesome.

Make sure stop windows update for a while because 24h2 is the problem.

Once you do this you are golden. Do not update 24h2 till 25h2 gets release because microsoft can't be perfect till newer release comes out.

I used ntlite software to customize my windows iso before installation, to use it watch YouTube how to use it which is easy but makes handy.

Reply me back how it went .

This is crazy it can’t be the case that a windows fresh install is required. My username here is same as my e maiil @me dot coom . I suspect it’s one of two things but we’ll see. 

What driver uninstall process did you try?
