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canon 350 where can i find the connection code and security code to set up wifi printing?


I have a wifi enabled mx 350 printer and would like to set up roomie computer and my phone to print to it wirelessly.  It asks for connection code and security code and I have no QR code to scan.  I do not know where else to find this info.  HELP!!!



trying to get my printer to work with both wireless and lan.  is this possible?  Also i'd like to have roommate printer and my phone networked to it.  Keeps asking for security info which I think has a + sign in it and I can't get that character on my phone to set up phone app to printer.  HELP!!

I believe that it is asking for credentials to connect to a wireless access point. 


You should use your own wireless access point, not a public Wi-Fi network, if you wish to setup a local LAN with your roomate and your mobile devices.

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