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PIXMA TS3522 Wi-Fi Issue & Error Code E36


I've had my printer for about a year and now I'mhaving some issues. I followed the guide to get the printer connected to WIFI even though it was never removed, and I'm getting the e36 error code. I connect the printer to the Canon wifi, then connect the print app to my wifi and the code appears. Very frustrating, but any tips on how to just get this thing to print?



Very Annoying that I had to create an account to post a reply.

I had same issue but I DID FIND A SOLUTION.

First let me tell what issue I faced. I had printer connected to network. I had to shift / change network provider which also meant changing whole network setup including router. I tried registering printer to new network but always got E36 in last step (where settings are exchanged between mobile/PC and printer). The issue was security settings of Wifi on your router. This printer can not support newer security settings. So if you can access your router then change wifi security setting to WAP2. Restart your modem, follow the process of regerstering / updating network info once again. This time it should succeed.

I hope this helps someone. It took me some time to figure out solution on my own.

If anyone is having this issue I highly recommend trying this on the 2.4Ghz band!!! It worked for me and allowed me to connect after years of trying and failing. 

It indeed had to do with Wifi/Router. Changing all upper case characters if my router name to LOWERCASE fixed the issue!!

After 8 very frustrating hours I got it to work, thank you for suggesting the above kind sir!

And big shoutout to Canon (NOT) for providing absolutely no information whatsoever regarding this issue.

The Lower case suggestion saved the day, thanks a lot!
