MF4570DN Please Help


Trying to network connect a vista laptop to a MF4570DN printer though my router wireless. I am unable to install the drivers. When going though the driver install program the printer can not be found. My firewall is also turned off. I have also tried search by ip address , nothing. Here is where it get very strange, I can go to my internet browser type in the  printer ip address and go in to the printer settings no problem. Also, the printer connected to two other laptops. One windows 10 and the other believe it or not xp. Both of them connected without a problem. Please, if anyone can help it is greatly appreciated. I can not figure this out for the life of me. Thank you.



I was able to install it. For some reason the exe file can not find the printer. Windows was able to see the printer. Clicked add a new printer and set it to use the exe file from cannon the destination file. All is good now. Does anyone know why this happened?

Guess I was wrong, not totally installed. I can print but the scan function does not work. The printer and laptop are not connected for the scan function.

Hi turbo1002.


Check the MF4570dn's network information, and ensure that it shares the same Subnet Mask as the computer.  While the IP connection process for the installation usually doesn't suffer issues from subnetting, getting rid of confounding variables helps narrow down possible causes of installation problems.


You may also need to temporarily disable your computer's security software to install the drivers, and, for the Windows 10 computer, run the patch for network scanning.


Because of differences in operating systems at the time the MF4570dn was developed, we have separate driver installations for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Winodws. You can find which version is on a given computer by opening the computer's System information.


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