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Installing Print Studio in Photoshop Elements 2022


I have Print Studio installed (when I click on the Automation Tools button it appears).  However, when I try to print a photo to my Pixma Pro 100 by means of Print Studio I get the following message: "A printer supported by this software is not found.  Connect a printer supported by this software, and then install its driver."

I have an iMac (M1) and can print via Photoshop Elements or any other software on my Mac.  Any suggestion?




I upgraded from Elements 2019 to 2022. Print Studio Pro worked fine prior to the upgrade. Windows 10 machine, Pixma Pro-100. I have installed the Print Studio Pro plug-in after identifying the Photoshop Elements 2022 folder, and received the message that it was correctly installed. It does not show up as an automation tool (yes, I have an image open, and am in expert mode). I have rebooted, and repeated the install process several times. Ideas? I recall that several years ago I was able to contact customer support and they remotely installed it for me, but I do not see that as an option. I have tried to click on the "chat" button in support after logging in and identifying my product, but nothing happens. Ideas?



To reach out to chat or speak with someone on the phone, you will need to register your Canon gear HERE to access additional support options.

We look forward to hearing from you. 

Not sure about Windows.  My problem was that the Print Studio 2.2.3 software was not compatible with Mac OS Venture, but 2.2.5 version is.  On Mac, I did the following besides loading 2.2.5: (1) copy the "Plugin Install" which is in the Canon Utilities/Print Studio folder to the Adobe Photoshop Elements 2022/Support Files folder and (2) check that my computer used the Canon printing drivers, not the Apple ones.  Maybe there is a similar logic with Windows 10?

The product is registered.  I was using Chrome but also tried on Firefox to see if the chat option would work, but it did not. I am generally hesitant to call tech support for any product because of wait time experiences, but I called for this issue. 30 seconds later I was talking to support and 5 minutes later he had logged on to my computer and fixed the issue. Cudos to Canon for this. The problem was that when the installer did not recognize that I had a supported photo product, the instructions were to choose the proper folder. When I clicked on Photoshop Elements 2022 the install accepted it and said the install was successful. I should have clicked further to the subfolder "Plugins". That was the issue. So, all is well.
