How do I scan and e-mail with my wireless Pixma MG5520 printer? My operating system is windows 7


When I try to scan a document on my wireless printer the readout tells me "Local USB" . Does that mean that I have to connect a USB cable before I can scan and e-mail?

Thank you for any help.



I want to echo this sentiment.  I have the Pixma MG5420, but I suspect the resolution will be the same.


The desired functionality is to scan a document, and then email it to a specified address without having to leave the printer.  Is this possible?


I have read the Pixma manual entry on this, but found it hard to understand.  It looks like the process involves first sending the document to a PC, and then using a specified program on the PC to email the scan.  Is that correct?


@Dags wrote:

When I try to scan a document on my wireless printer the readout tells me "Local USB" . Does that mean that I have to connect a USB cable before I can scan and e-mail?

Thank you for any help.

I played around with this a bit more.  When my computer was turned on, the printer would find it and list it below "Local USB."  "Send to PC" would send the file to my downloads folder on my computer, while "Scan and email" would send the file to my downloads folder and open up Outlook with the file as an attachment.  That was a little creepy, I have to admit, and pretty much useless.


When I turned my computer off, the only option on the printer was "Local USB," so presumably in your case the printer can't find any networked computer to send your file.  


Hope that helps!


Hi Dags,


If trying to scan wirelessly, you will need to ensure that the IJ Network Scanner Selector EX is running.  For information on launching and configuring the IJ Network Scanner Selector, please follow the steps at the link below:


PIXMA MG5520 Wireless Scanning - Launching the IJ Network Scanner Selector


Hope this helps!


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I just purchased a CANON PIXMA printer/scanner.  It appears I am not alone in trying to scan a document to my email account.  Is there clear, concise information on this?  Are there ANY prelimanary steps I need to take i.e., loading a WIZARD?; hitting a certain key?, etc????  Thanks



Please review the following link for a section that covers setting up the Scan to E-mail function:


MG5500 Series Online Manual: Scanning to E-mail


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How do I scan and email with my Canon Pixma MG2440 linked to my ACER System personal computer?



just got a new computer, trying to scan to it... the wireless printer readout says "local USB".  I am connected wirelessly... I could scan with my old computer, don't remember what I did with that machine
