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wrist strap on Canon ELP 180 please help


We have tried floss, thread, I can't even get a tiny needle through the hole can someone please help me figure out how to attach the wrist strap through the camera.


Product Expert
Product Expert


Hi Lorettann1,
Thanks for posting.
To install the wrist strap, you'll want to thread the small end of the wrist strap through the strap mount, then pull the large end through the small loop, as shown below.


If you encounter difficulty threading the small end through, try making a "leader" out of something you may have nearby.  You can use a small bit of monofilament (fishing) line or even dental floss.  Just bend the line so that it's pulling the small end of the wrist strap.  Next, twist the ends together then thread them through the strap mount.  Once it's through, you should be able to pull the small end of the wrist strap through the strap mount, too.


The procedure for attaching the strap to the camera is explained below.

Thread the end of the strap through the strap hole (), and then pull the other end of the strap through the loop on the threaded end ().

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I'm having the same issue, too.  To the point I wish it wasn't too late for me to return the camera to the store, but I waited until closer to my vacation to mess with it. 


The picture shows the metal look on the camera going across 90-degrees from what it actually is oriented on the camera. Had the loop been as shown in the picture you provided, it may be easier. As it is, it's going lengthwise, and the angle to go down between the loop and the rubber part means it can't go through the loop.  Try fishing line? Yeah, still too tight an angle. Try dental floss? Yeah, doesn't work.  Really poor engineering. Really poor. Like, really, really idiodic. I'm definately going to regift this, and let a friend or family member deal with the frustration. I won't buy a Canon product again. 

I happened to have a dental pick among my craft supplies....easy peasy!


I totally agree with everything you've said.  You'd have thought the "engineers" at Canon would have give the strap attachment a bit more thought!!  BUT!!!  I have found out what will work.  Take a piece of dental floss, moisten it a bit, fold in 1/2 to make a loop.  Now....push as much of the looped end imto the opening that the strap is eventually going to go thru.  You'll see a bit of the dental floss thru the opening on the opposite side of where you pushed it in.  Now, take a pin and gently snag the little bit of the looped dental floss you can see.  Slowly pull it thru, then once you have a bit of it pulled out, lay the thin side of the strap thru the loop.  Now, pull the floss back thru the other side; it will take a firm, but steady pull to do this.  Once it come thru the other side, you can loop the thicker end thru it so it's attached.  SERIOUSLY THOUGH, THESE INSTRUCTIONS (& PICS!)  SHOULD BE SHOWN IN THE MANUAL INCLUDED WITH THE CAMERA.
