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shutter release not working S100



I am suddenly having problems with my S100. It will not take the picture when I press the shutter release. In case I had accidentally changed something, I did a Reset to Defaults. Then it worked, briefly, before returning to not working. It also would not let me change My Colors.  Everything else seems to be working fine.  Any ideas?

575 REPLIES 575


So, I have my camera back in working appears.  It seems to take photos fine again.  I'm not sure if this breaks again that I'll have the option of sending back the camera to Canon (they replaced the defective part..FPC ASS'Y, TOP  CM1-7226-000.)  The Service Details are as follows:  "Your product has been examined and it was found that the internal component had shorted the shutter button could not operate properly.  The internal component was replaced.  Product functions were confirmed." 


For what its worth, Canon provided a "courtesy repair" since I complained to support, on this board to no avail and the BBB (BBB is still waiting my response.)  Just thought, as a "courtesy," I would write up my concluding remarks.  


I still think this part is defective and known by Canon to be defective judging by the consensus on the thread.    


Thanks to all who helped with this problem.   To all with this shutter release problem, prepare to be a "squeaky wheel" or use the home remedies provided here.  Good luck.

 Thanks Argh, for the update.

It seems that the shutter problem is always the same part, and replacing it is the fix.


I've just registered to report my results here as this community post has been MOST helpful to me.


Background: For the past 3 months or more my camera has had a non-responsive shutter like many posters here.  Mine seemed to work better after the camera (warmed up) for 20 minutes or so.  I could quickly facilitate this by putting it on a heater and it would work GREAT.  Pressing the shutter in different ways, with the normal, light pressure but with my finger nail would also seem to get it to function.  ALL of this is irrelavent, in my opinion, because it makes this GREAT camera so useless and frustrating.


Based on the reports here, I ordered TWO of the CM1-7226-000 assemblies referenced in an earlier reply, through the official CANON channel.  I did this to service it if needed in the future, or in case i did some damage during the first repair.


I used the S100 lens error video on y0utub3 to assist with disassembly order.  Keep yoru area clean and organized, video yourself if you can.  I did not.  I am NOT the most handy person, but I have been building and servicing computers for 20 years as a hobby and job at various times.


My fix worked first try, and I am delighted.  Please DON'T be afraid to do this.  Total cost for me, even though I ordered two parts (the shipping is the same for one, or two.) including tools was around $50, and for me, these tools are handy to just have around.  Prior posts gave me some pointers on tools, as well, so I'll summarize everything I learned here.


You will need:

--PH00 screwdriver (double aught [sounds like "ott"] phillips, will be the terminology if you need to ask someone)

--#1 hobby knife (I have a young son, and found a RETRACTABLE one to add to my toolkit!)

--CM1-7226-000 part

--straight precision/surgical pick


These parts are used for:

--PH00 - goes without saying, this is a screwdriver, use a video to assist with your teardown and keep everythying clean and organized

--#1 hobby knife - used to pry boards away from the camera where there is sticky tape holding things down (be VERY careful not to slip, I'm impatient and DID NOT slip, but be careful, the opportunity to do damage to the camera or yourself is there)

--CM1-7226-000 - this is the part you will be putting in once you remove the bad one

-- straight pick - I used this to put the boards back on their guide pins.  The construction on this is marvelous though tiny and precise.  I also used it to insert the main plug of the replacement part into it's socket on the front of the camera while holding the board out slightly (there's a hole there to facilitate this.  Same thing goes for working with the pick, these boards are thin, never point the pick at the boards, only use it to lift underneath, grab the tiny holes, press down lightly with the EDGE etc.  When inserting the big plug, which is the FIRST thing I did after getting the old one out, line up to the plug, it won't go in very far with hand power, just snug enough to bend the tape out from the front toward you, insert your pick, push down gently on the pick while rocking the board in it's slot back and forth gently.


It took me 1.5 hours with these tools, being hesitant, impatient, and never doing it before, i'm VERY confident I could get this time down to 30-45 minutes a second time based on what I've learned.


Great job Daniel !

All those extra precautions you took were very wise and it showed in your results.

Replcing that FPC is the best and long term fix for this problem and the money you spent is a fraction of what a repair at a service center would have cost. Minus the tools it would be even less since they are fairly common tools.

I actually bought a used S100 even after I knew about this problem as well as the lens error probelm. Why? Because it is a good compact camera when I dont want to caryy my SX50HS around and second if those problems occur I already know how to fix them for cheap money!


Anyway great job and thank you for sharing is such detail !

As one Daniel to another, congratulations on your repair. Your experience matches mine, and should help others. Nice description of the plug insertion technique. This seems to be the most problematic step. Now that mine has been fixed for a month or two I regard it as totally cured.

Good job on the repair and on describing some of the steps and perils of the process.

Bit the bullet, ordered the part.

Cannon direct was 1-866-481-2569, option 1


total shipped (2 day shipping, 3 dollars more) 21.53

good luck


Feedback after the repair


Please see my post on page 30 and Page 31 


It has been working like a gem since then. Not a single problem. I have clicked more than 1000 pics after the repair and its working smoothly now.

Thank God for you guys, I did the update and it was rather painless.

Just take your time on the screw heads so you don't chew them up, and slowly pull things apart so you don't put any stress on the ribbon cables and you can have it done in an hour. I took pictures of the screws as I removed them because there are some different sizes (port door screw is longer and one of the ones holding the top on is longer)

I do have one question though, should there have been sticky tape on the part I ordered? It didn't seem to have any double stick tape, I picked at the back of it for a bit because it is darker and I thought maybe it was under that but I just gave up and made sure everything fit into the guide holes correctly. The camera is working great again.