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shutter release not working S100



I am suddenly having problems with my S100. It will not take the picture when I press the shutter release. In case I had accidentally changed something, I did a Reset to Defaults. Then it worked, briefly, before returning to not working. It also would not let me change My Colors.  Everything else seems to be working fine.  Any ideas?

575 REPLIES 575

Ordering the part took 5 minutes on the phone.

Tools: Exacto knife, tiny phillips head screwdriver, a couple of wooden tooth picks for nudging things around without scratching delicate conductors, a clean place to work, 6 cups for different types of screws, a flashlight, magnifying glass...

Time for repair: Took me 2 or 3 hours. If I had made better diagrams and notes during disassembly, re-assembly would have gone faster. Especially location of each size screw. Read all posts on the topic of the last month or so for guidance.

Skills: Ability to handle delicate parts without damaging them. You could tear or scratch the delicate flexible printed circuits.

These cameras are on Ebay for around $150. in used "good" condition. You could buy one of those and sell yours for $40 as is.


How can Canon reconcile "no shutter problem" with 30+ plus pages of users with the exact same problem with this model and no other model has this problem? This forum is on their website!

So, Danluckett, were you successful? 


You're right, it's obviously a huge flaw in this camera which is a shame. It's a very capable little pocket machine, ideal for outings and where cameras are verbotten.

I was. See earlier post.

Hi Argh
Just put the first two digits of the serial number, not the whole thing, as there is moderator concern that the camera and/or purchaser can be traced.
Recording these two digits is just a quick way to emphasize to Canon that the problem is not restricted to the small sample series they have listed online.
Thanks and good luck.
I am still working with the ziplock bag of desiccant packets. As long as I am doing short photography sessions and I remember to replace the camera in the bag it works fine.

Thanks AngelaX.  I'll make a note of that RE: the serial numbers.


We paid a $425 or so about 2 years ago since the S100 had good reviews so we could use the camera for business.  And, we had good success with previous Canon cameras.  This, supposedly, is a premium camera, but not the shutter release.  Is this planned obsolescence? Maybe next time I scan the forum boards for refurbs.

Obsolescence is the state of being which occurs when an object, service, or practice is no longer wanted even though it may still be in good working order. Obsolescence frequently occurs because a replacement has become available that has, in sum, more advantages than the inconvenience related to repurchasing the replacement. Obsolete refers to something that is already disused or discarded, or antiquated.[1]Typically, obsolescence is preceded by a gradual decline in popularity.

Thanks Danluckett.

I've filed my complaints (BBB and iPetition).

>> "How can Canon reconcile "no shutter problem" with 30+ plus pages of users with the exact same problem with this model and no other model has this problem?" <<
Great question. When I mentioned this fact that I'm not the only customer with this problem, she just let me talk as she is probably supposed to do and answer that she's never heard of this problem. (I guess we, in this forum, do not have a "preponderance of the evidence.")

Thanks for the help and suggestion in fixing "our" collective problem. We'll see what Canon says about repairing the camera. Not holding breath.

Hi John_,

>> $163.00? Canon is selling refurbished SX50HS cameras right now for $193.00... <<
It's not just the price, but the time it's taking me to hassle with the camera. I "thought," mistakenly it appears, I was buying a quality camera that would last more that a year and a half or two years.


Wow, I can’t believe this is still going on!  I’m the guy who posted the original DeoxIT fix (post # 186) back last year.  I just happened back on the forum to look up something for my 5d, and came across this thread again.  Figured I’d post an update – my S100 is still working fine after using the DeoxIT back last November.  Have probably taken about 800-1000 pictures since then (maybe more, I’m too lazy to actually go get the camera and check), it’s been out in the rain, the kids have dropped it in the snow, etc.,  and not a single glitch.  Hoping that continues…

Hi Argh I hear what your saying and many more in this thread hear you too. It's hard to stay loyal and not loose faith with Canon and the way they are ignoring this thread. Well I doubt they are ignoring it they just are not doing anything to help resolve this fairly. I have an old G5 that I've had for almost 10 years now and it never had a single problem and I still use it. That's what I'd expect of a product made with quality parts. The S100 obviously was made with a defective part or parts since there is also a chronic "lens error" history with them also. As a rule now and with the cost of extended warranties getting cheaper every day I always purchase at least an extra 2-3 years of protection now.

But that's neither here nor there and it's shameful that so many S100's have failed in such a short lifespan.

Rbarribeau, your Deoxit fix was a great tip. It worked for me for a couple of weeks, but for most of us it was temporary. While I was at it I used the deoxit on the zoom control of another camera. That fix is still good. You might want to hedge your bet by investing $18 to have the part on hand. It may not be available forever.