Trouble installing Elph camera solution disk on Mac version 10.8


Just bought a Power Shot Elph 110 HS and the disk says it's for Mac version 10.6.  I have a Mac 10.8 and it won't install.  How do I download a more recent version of the camera solution disk?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Mandz2,


For updated versions if the software for your PowerShot ELPH 110 HS, please go here.


You'll need the CD-ROM in the optical drive of your computer to install the "PhotoStitch 3.2.6 Updater for Mac OS X"


When installing the software, please install ImageBrowser last.  This allows it to link to the other Canon software.


You'll need an active internet connection when installing the software.  Please follow any on-screen instructions carefully.


I hope this helps..

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