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SX50 Still Performing Well


Hello all,


While I've been absent here for quite some time I've been steadily adding to my collection of SX50 bird & wildlife photos. The camera is still providing me with everything I desire in my photography, which is capturing portrait style imges of my subjects. I strive for images that capture an "expression" if you will, or an interesting pose. I can usually get quite close to many of my subjects and the zoom easily allows me to fill the frame with the subject thereby allowing me to capture very good detail.


Here's my latest efforts along with my updated hints & tips that I hope you'll enjoy and might prove helpful to this forum!


Canon SX50 Gallery


SX50 SOOC Gallery


SX50 Hints & Tips


My General Approach To Photography


Best regards,


Tony Britton



Fantastic work! I really appreciate the hints and tips which I will use on my SX150 IS camera.




Hi Tony, being the amatuer i am it is nice to know that you agree with my choice of purchase the SX50HS and also I am in agreement with your choices for exposure settings in your hints and tips. So many choices though and it's hard not to get bogged down in the setting choices and lose perspective.

On the part for focusing I am curious as to why you pan rather than shift the focus bracket to an area with greater detail to focus on at your preferred focal lenght. Is it that your shots, which are awesome, are mostly hand held? I rely a lot on the focus bracket shift when i need it. I do tend to use a tripod though when I can.

Thanks again and welcome back !

Hello Steve,


Thanks for taking the time to look and comment!




Hello John,


The panning technique I use simply works extremely quickly and consistently for me so I stick with it and 100% of the bird & wildlife photos you see in my Canon SX50 (and Canon SX40) galleries were taken hand-held. I've never used a tripod for my nature photography because I tend to use the camera during conditions of bright sunlight and I'm able to keep the shutter speeds fast enough to help control hand-held camera shake. Also, in conditions of low-light I can always increase the ISO, thereby allowing me to further increase the shutter speeds. The key to obtaining sharp hand-held photos near or at the long end of the zoom with the SX50 is fast shutter speeds plus the use of the "Framing Assist - Lock" for that extra bit of stability.


Take care and thanks for looking.



Many fine shots that would not be bettered using expensive dslr gear.


You say that you don't use raw - try this experiment. Take some shots in jpg and raw,

then convert the raw to jpg using DPP. Compare those with the jpg images made

by the camera. See the difference?

Hi Vetteran,


If and when I ever decide to experiment with RAW I'll certainly try your suggestion. Thanks fot taking the time to look and leave such a great comment. Happy shooting!


