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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




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Contact Canon. Their solution worked for me.

@fmlisboajr wrote:

For me is the samething, batery goes off while in video mode. in minutes battery draw. Do you find solution ?


Imposible. Probably all Canon SX280 HS have this problem. I have 2 cameras ...  my friends have a new one, claimed cameras ... and still have the same problem.


Really. Send the camera back and get a new one is not the solution.

I did not say say, "Sending camera back is the solution" I said try their original solution which is a  firm ware update which worked successfully for me. It might not work for your camera but at least try it. I wonder how many of these cameras have been sold world wide? A million, 5 million.....?


"Really. Send the camera back and get a new one is not the solution."

The firmware update does not solve the problem of the battery flashing. You can still take video but it is quite annoying. And you must restart the camera to get the battery gauge back to normal. The firmware update does not fix this problem!!

Ruko, you don't even seem to understand what the problem is - let alone the solution. A flashing red light is a problem, regardless of how long the camera continues to shoot. If a user has no clue whether the camera will shut off in 10 seconds or 10 minutes, that is a BIG problem. Many, MANY people here have dutifully called Canon - only to get a rude brushoff - and applied the firmware fix, only to find that it makes the sx280's problems marginally easier to live with. The bottom line is that this is a camera known to have problems, and Canon has shown little willingness to admit or fix them. Best of luck to those who feel they can't live without this camera, but I advise anyone with the option to seriously consider spending your money on a camera that works better and a company that treats is customers better than Canon.

Up to now, I have not met a single person who has bought this camera and who has not been plagued with that horrible battery issue. Any device that you buy, it must do what it says it is meant to do, if it doesn't it is a manufacturer flaw and it would be silly to pay and keep that kind of lemon.

Personally I have used Canon cameras all my life. I am 58 years old, so that is no small matter. I have spent thousands of dollars on film cameras, lenses and now DSLR which I am very happy with.

However I am extremely glad I caught this thread before buying my daughter an SX280 for for her birthday.

Canon is not doing right by the product or it's customers. This must be fixed.

I want to thank each of you for raising your voice about this neglected and unresolved ongoing problem.

I have ordered a Panasonic Lumix DMC-ZS30 for my daughter instead of this Canon product.

Shame on you Canon!

WOW!!!! Has Canon done anything about this yet? I'm getting 8-10 seconds of video on a full charge after installing the new firmware and it didn't help a thing!  ^^^^^I too have spent thousands and thousands on Canon cameras and lenses only to be dealt with very rudely by Canons "help" center.  The guy on the phone was a total jerk, just plain nasty and I'm not one to bark first, I called for help and received nothing but a bunch of doublespeak and sighs, the guy was talking over me and he sounded like he just wanted to get me off the phone.  You want me to pay for shipping when YOU sent the cameras out in this condition?  Thanks canon. NO, this new firmware does NOT work. 

Welcome to the fiasco of Canon... Canon is a Sh*t company that only care about our money on their pockets.... Right now sx280 is to old to do anything.....  Pass what Canon do on other forums, let's spread the message.... 

@UnionStation wrote:

Ruko, you don't even seem to understand what the problem is - let alone the solution. A flashing red light is a problem, regardless of how long the camera continues to shoot. If a user has no clue whether the camera will shut off in 10 seconds or 10 minutes, that is a BIG problem. Many, MANY people here have dutifully called Canon - only to get a rude brushoff - and applied the firmware fix, only to find that it makes the sx280's problems marginally easier to live with. The bottom line is that this is a camera known to have problems, and Canon has shown little willingness to admit or fix them. Best of luck to those who feel they can't live without this camera, but I advise anyone with the option to seriously consider spending your money on a camera that works better and a company that treats is customers better than Canon.

Hey UnionStation, You apparently didn't even read my last post. I said the firmware upgrade worked for me! My camera is working fine! I do not get the red battery light now! I do have a complaint.: Canon screwed up and should not have sent the camera out with the problems it has and should do a recall. This happens to the best of companies.
