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SX280 - battery life shooting video




I apologize to the forum for mixing two different problems.  They are unrelated.


Problem #1:  User error.  I thought I was using a class 6 SD card but I was wrong. The yellow "!" indicates a pathologically slow card.  Upgrading to a class 10 resolved this problem.


Problem #2: UNRESOLVED.  Red battery indicator comes on prematurely.  On a fresh charge, it'll turn red after recording for a couple of minutes.  On a partially drained battery, it turns red immediately upon entering movie mode or pressing the record button.  Turn the camera off and then right back on in "still" mode and it shows full charge and works fine ... until trying to shoot video.  I have not precisely measured recording times but it'll record for at least 20 (maybe 30?) minutes while flashing red.




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Well, not being an expert in anything I took the advice of fluffy velcro in my 280 to solve the battery problem. AND IT WORKED! I decided to video a solar toy I have, fresh battery....zap... it immediately showed little juice. I recharged it (took about 1 minute) and reinserted shot a bunch of regular stills and perfect. No battery drain. So my little red 280 has a video problem but that is OK. My other Canons will shoot video fine. 


I really don't trust the Canon techs fixing this problem after reading posts here. I'll live with my cute Sony Bloggie and Sony small video for movies. I don't take that many movies anyway except of geysers and such.


Appreciate the help I've received here.

Just to inform that the velcro doesn't work for me....

guess I'm just an unlucky situation. Sorry to hear it doesn't work for you.

Yes unfortunately i have bought a Canon...

Why unfortunate? This camera has it problems (video isn't big for me with a camera) but I love my SX510 and I'm going to love my SX50. I don't know why Canon let us down on the SX280 but they did. Don't give up on Canon. I also love my Panasonic 20x cameras, too. I can still us the SX280 for stills and that OK with me. Not my money's worth happens sometimes.

I bought a camera with a video function. I have payed for that. This function isn't usable and the brand, the company that created that camera doesn't care about that fraude and have still selling that camera even knowing that issue. It will be more pretty if Canon removes from the publicity of that camera the video function....

I agree. It is unfortunate for you, but as I stated the video I can do with other Canon Cameras of my tiny Sony's. When Canon sent me their "fix" for my SX280 they followed with a survey on their service and Canon as a camera company. I let them have it. AND the Fix was no fix. It was idiotic.


I think you will find this camera by Canon is probably the lemon of their line and you can get other Canons as I have that work great. Maybe we should have a mass burial for SX280!

Whatever works. It appears to me since there is no one thing that works this model might have several problems that vary camera to camera. I don't use my camera for video I use a Bloggie or Sony MiniCam.

Folks, PLEASE do not try this tape over the electrode thing. You're fooling the camera - and working around an important failsafe mechanism. You don't want to play around with lithium ion batteries like this because they WILL catch on fire if overheated or compromised. This is a dangerous workaround. Consider yourself warned.

@UnionStation wrote:

Folks, PLEASE do not try this tape over the electrode thing. You're fooling the camera - and working around an important failsafe mechanism. You don't want to play around with lithium ion batteries like this because they WILL catch on fire if overheated or compromised. This is a dangerous workaround. Consider yourself warned.


I have used this method of tape over the center battery terminal for two years. Not one problem. It's the only way this lemon will take videos for more than 10 seconds. The battery will not charge with the tape attached so it must removed for charging hence no fire danger when charging. Irritating but doable. With the center terminal taped there is no battery charge indicator in the LCD of the camera so you don't know the state of charge. It didn't work properly anyway so no big loss. Without the tape the state of charge indicator would tell me a freshly charged battery was completely discharged after 10 seconds of video.


As many have done I sent this lemon back to Canon for a "fix" and it came back with the same problem. Thanks Canon!

