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SX Zoom shutter button stuck


I have used Canon Powershots SX 30: 50 and now SX 60 without a problem. I am currently using an SX 60 BUT the shutter button and zoom function became frozen whislt attempting to take pictures in dark. I could take pictures and depress button but very stiff. The zoom function could not be used at all and was very stiff . I can now turn the button but it does require some pressure. Does anyone have any suggestions or explanation for this sudden chnage ? Many Thanks.



Perhaps you have some dirt or something got in there or worse case that shutter release/zoom mechanical assembly is failing.. I'd try first vacuuming it out, working the button and lever as you do it and then depending on the results of that if it still were stuck I'd carefully apply a safe lubricant to that assembly. Pure silicon and I mean PURE or Deoxit 5 are both safe to use in tiny amounts and cover the rest of the camera. 3M makes a safe pure spray lubricant, I've used both the 3M and Deoxit 5 many times on many different electro mechanical switches.

If the assembly is failing it will need to be replaced, not any easy task.


@MSB_2005 wrote:

I have used Canon Powershots SX 30: 50 and now SX 60 without a problem. I am currently using an SX 60 BUT the shutter button and zoom function became frozen whislt attempting to take pictures in dark. I could take pictures and depress button but very stiff. The zoom function could not be used at all and was very stiff . I can now turn the button but it does require some pressure. Does anyone have any suggestions or explanation for this sudden chnage ? Many Thanks.

The buttons are simple electric switches. If it only occurs when it is dark, it is caused by another setting in the camera.


Since the buttons are electric switches pressing them harder, won't help anything and only risks breaking them. 

Thnak you very much for your detailed response this was very helpful and infomrative.

Thank you. I did not know that and I will check the settings and see if anything has been inadvertnetly altered.
