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PowerShot SX70 HS Pics are soft and lack detail


My previous camera was a SX 520 HS PowerShot.  My favorite setting was LIVE.  I got the most beautiful, clear, sharp photos using that setting.  It started making funny sizzling sounds, the screen would go black and shut down.  I got a new SX 70 HS and have yet to get a nice clear shot.  I am having the hardest time with all the settings.  All my photos have soft edges.  I captured the dimples on the moon with my old camera.  Now, not even close.

My question is, is there a setting I have not found on my new SX 70 HS that compares to the LIVE setting on my old  SX 520 HS.

Thank you in advance...Adrienne


Hi Adrienne,

Sorry to hear you are still struggling. As I have read there are options to get good jpg results with the SX70. I sold mine, but that's because I only use it as a walkaround.

I also have a G3X , and a R6II (with 4 zoomlenses and one simple 50mm prime).

I would advise to stay away from the M50-series. That's a cul-de-sac in development.

I would advise the G3X (if you can get a decent used one).

Or jump the wagon with the new generation,  eg the R7

Thank you so much Mathieu.  I have been reading about the R7 and it does seem like a very nice camera.  Gosh, all I wanted were sharp, clear photos.  It's driving me nuts that every photo is soft on the edges.  If there are, as you mention, options to get good results, I'm just not finding them.  I have changed the settings over and over again and just not finding what will work.  So frustrating!! 

Thank you again...Adrienne

Hi, you mention options for improving the jpg results with the SX70. Are there any secrets? I have tried almost everything, but still feel that the only solution is to sell the camera and go back to my SX50 or even SX10 which still kind of work and give better results.


Shoot RAW, and minimize noisereduction in DPP.

But as I said: I sold my SX70. Use my SX50, and bought as an experiment the Nikon P950. (Which has one huge drawback: no focus adjustment when following a subject!)

Hi Mathieu...

Just wondering if you have found something you "really" like?  I still have not changed because I think I've read so much, I'm getting a little confused or mind boggled.  Do you have any experience with the Rebel T100?  It seems to have pretty good ratings as far as quality photos.  All I want is sharp, clear photos like I got with my SX520.  My 520 camera is half the camera of this SX70 and shot beautiful photos compared to the 70. 

I have changed so many settings, I should have been writing down what I changed.  I'm thinking of going back to factory default and starting over again.



T100/4000D is 7 years old, but better as the SX70 due to the sensor-size, and you can combine it with quality lenses.

But if you go to a new Canon, go mirrorless, like R7.

I do have a G3X, that is not top of the bill, but also, due to its sensor, better as the SX70.

You could look for a Sony RX10 III occasion.... (if it needs to be a bridge), or the IV

Thanks so much for your insight, Mathieu.  I was also looking at the R7.  It seemed each one had it's pluses and minuses and the R7 was looking like, overall the better choice.  I will look at that Sony.  I also had looked at some Nikons but had not gotten very far there.

One think I noticed with the SX70 is, even on a tripod using a remote switch, when the picture is taken, I notice the tiniest little jump in the subject.  At first I thought it was me, that's why I got the remote switch.  But after using a tripod and the switch and I'm not touching the camera at all, I still notice the slightest blip as the shutter closes and I wonder if this is why the subjects are not sharp???  Have you experienced that?

Thank you again...much appreciated.

OOps..."one thing", not think
